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May See Him This Weekend

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The ex lives in another state. However, I have to go to the same town he lives in this weekend for a get together with friends.


I almost broke NC to tell him that I would be in town. I don't want him to think that I am there to see him or have anything to do with him. Or have someone see me and tell him etc.


The chances of me seeing him I guess are about as good as seeing anyone. I don't want to be afraid of seeing him everywhere I go. Peeking around corners.


I thought about not going but I really need to get down there to see my friends as they are all moving away within the month to the other coast.


I haven't been back down there since a week before our breakup. Him living 5 hours away is helpful. Today makes 3 weeks since we have last seen each other. 1 week of NC on my part and barely 3 days of NC on his part. UGGHHHH wish me luck.

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I suggest you be yourself, someone told me that once because I was worried about pleasing others. After awhile I though about what my friend said. And I said to myself, I have not even been myself lately and being humble but I really like who I am. And the rest was history


Good luck, I know how uncomfortable those gatherings can be. Have some fun and don't hang out with people that make you feel uncomfortable. Hang out with the cool people.


Warm Regards



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i thought i was going to have a run-in a couple weeks ago at a mutual friend's birthday party and i'll pass on the advice that helped me, mostly taken from here.


first, there's the obvious: look gorgeous! be gracious and sweet with everyone. be the life of the party (though not in a super obvious/classless/drunken way!)


above all, emotionally prepare yourself for anything that could happen. he could be there and decide not to say a word to you...he could not be there at all. be prepared for any outcome and don't get disappointed if x or y doesn't happen.


if you do see him, give him a nice hello/how are you, and probably just leave it at that. you're asking for big trouble if you try to talk about anything more, and i'm sure the last thing your friends want is you two getting involved in a dramatic conversation about the relationship at their party. if he brings up the relationship, REFUSE to talk about it there.


FYI, i did end up going to the aforementioned party. the ex did not show, but i had a great time even though the majority of the guests were HIS friends! i was so glad i went. hope it goes similarly for you.

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don't worry about it. chances are you won't see him. just focus on having fun. don't bother looking for him. for all you know, he may be out of town this weekend also! or maybe he will be sick with the flu and in bed all weekend.


don't worry.

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I hope everything works out for you. Just remember, have fun. Your enjoyment rests on you, not him. Don't let the thought of him or his presense ruin the possibilities and opportunties for yourself to have fun.


If you do end up talking to him or seeing him, just be polite be yourself, but most importantly keep your composure.


Stay strong!

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The weekend went well. I had a good time with friends. I ran into one of my ex's friends at the store. He looked like he was seeing a ghost. Anyway. He asked how I had been and what I doing in NC? I told him visiting friends and that I was late getting back that I couldn't chat.


Lo and behold today I am sitting at my desk at work and my voicemail goes off. For some reason, I did not get the message that was left on Saturday morning from the ex. (This was about an hour after I ran into his friend).


I was in a dead zone pretty much all weekend so everything went straight to voicemail or I never got it.


The message said "Ouch, sent straight to voicemail. That hurts. I heard you were here in the neighborhood and thought I would call and see if you wanted to hang out. Give me a call later."


Ughhh....right....here in the neighborhood. I live 5 hours away.

Victory is mine!

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