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Early signs of alcoholism?

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Hey there. this is like my last resort, as no one knows me here and what keeps getting into my mind is stupid and disgusts me.


My mom is/was an alcoholic. Her father (my grandfather) was an alcoholic. And I'm only 17, and there are high chances that I can also get to be one - as addictiong comes in the genes.


I used to SI, but now-a-days I've been so stressed out, and so disgusted of myself, that I want to SI. But that is out of question. The thoughts that start to come into my mind is to get a beer or something... in the morning. Sometimes, things like stealing one of my grandmothers alcohol bottle (anything) from downstairs, and drink it by myself, pops up in my mind.


Today I was telling two friends of mine, about how much Im glad to graduate, have my own place, and live however I want.. but in fact between those lines were things "i can buy whatever I want... like alcohol.. and have a little party everyday!"´


Stupid and disgusting thoughts, of which I am not proud. But I can't help it. Now I'm scared that I will be unable to control myself anymore and start buying stuff early in the morning, and start making that as a habit.


Could this be just a phase or is there something I should really start worrying about (even though I'm already worrying about it).

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What is SI?




I think you're being too hard on yourself. The thoughts you have aren't stupid nor are they disgusting.


I do think you are right to be wary of your thoughts. You're looking to medicate your problems with alcohol; which is one of the first steps towards chemical dependency.


At your age, wanting independence is a GOOD thing. It's a great feeling to do know that you can do whatever you want. It's okay to *THINK* those thoughts. They are healthy and normal. But be careful to not act on them.


Like you, my bloodline is full of alcoholics. I drink, sometimes I get wasted and party too hard; but I'm careful. If I feel like "having a beer because I'm feeling stressed out" I wont drink.


I dont know if you really live in Portugal or not, but check to see if they have Al Anon groups. It's basically a support group for people like us; with family members who are alcoholic. I think that might be a good first step.

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SI = self-injury/self-harm




YEah I live in Portugal, Ill think about the AA thing. And yes I'm too careful with what I drink and when I drink it.. but my thoughts have started to "get in control". I mean I used to go out and that would be the only time I thought about a drink. but now its not only at night... but alot of times of the day..

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My father was an alcoholic, his father was an alcoholic (and died from a related illness long before I was around) and probably numerous generations before. I drink socially. They are studies that have shown that alcoholism can be genetic, but mostly passed through the male side of the family.


My dad does not like me drinking, ever. He worries that I'm on the same path he was. I'm not saying it'll never happen, but I have other ways of coping with crap that goes on in my life. There have been times that I want to drink my sadness away, and I have. I'm not saying it's the world's best way of coping with problems, but it's helped me on occasion. It's all about control. I do not allow myself to drink before dinner, and I do not, under any circumstance, let it interfere with my day to day life. I only drink when I am done doing whatever I have to do in a day. I don't let it interfere with school, with relationships, or with work.


I'm not sure I'm helping you any, just relating that I'm in much the same boat. If you think you need help to control drinking, then get it.


I wish you luck.

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for alcoholics, that first drink is what gets them.


Not necessarily.


From my own personal experience and later reflection, my father drank as a way of coping with his life. He would get angry and he didn't have the experience or the know how to deal with his anger. Some of us punch pillows, talk it out, play video games. My dad drank. Once he was drunk, he didn't want to deal with reality, so he drank to keep himself in a drunk state. Alcoholism, as I saw it, is when you use liquor as a form of escape, and you drink for days at a time, at no point being sober. Someone who drinks every night with friends for a few days at a time, to me, is not an alcoholic.


Not every drunk is an alcoholic.

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basically... just because your mother and her mother before her were alcoholics, doesn't mean you are going to end up being one too. You may be more acceptable to addictions, but it could turn out to be with chocolate lol. it doesn't matter if it runs in the family.....today's world is stressful... and dealing with alcoholic parents your whole life makes it worse (trust me) both my parents growing up were and STILL are major alcoholics and my dad is extremely mean and depressed... my grandparents as well, were alcoholics, bad ones..... and I actually do not have a drinking problem, my whole life I was disgusted by it, then I went to college and found out that social drinking with friends is actually a fun event....a good night on the town gives you a whole different perspective of what drinking and alcohol can do. but now that I'm back home living with my parents again, I'm back to being dead set against it.

I'm just saying... it's definatly a choice You can make (genes or no genes).... don't let yourself fall into the alcoholic category just because it seems like a comfortable place to be.

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Well, if you are an alcoholic or will be, then that is something that will be hard to control. I think that it is good you are worried about it and thinking about the consequences. I drink quite a bit and probably am an acoholic, but really think about it as well and try to always be responsible. I don't encourage you to drink, but either don't do it or see what happens when you do. I guess you can either get help now or later. Maybe the thinking about it and the anxiety about it is what is making things bad. If you drink and can't stop or have to drink all of the time, then you will need help. You are pretty young to be drinking, but you seem pretty analytical and responsible so just pay attention and see what happens when you do. If it gets in the way of your everyday life, then it is definitely not good. If you can have a few beers on the weekend, then you might be fine. I don't know if you have ever been hungover, but that is definitely a huge deterrent. If you can wake up everyday hung over and then drink to get rid of it, then you have a problem. If you go many days in a row drinking and can't handle the next three days because you are sick to your stomach and having the shakes, then you have a problem. Just gage it and see where you are at. I am not condoning drinking, but maybe just the worry of it all is causing this. You may start drinking and not enjoy it. I really could not say. Good luck.



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Hello Xtina, I also come from a family where alcoholism is common, I don't think it's hereditary as much as how parents "teach" their kids that an answer to deal with problems is avoiding them.


I don't think alcoholics are weak, but I've seen alcohol is never an answer.

Some people say that as long as the person drinks tons but goes to work the next day is not considered alcoholism, but I know some of my relatives have a "normal" life still they schedule "drinking days" or times, and I don't believe that's of help because they will start consuming more and more as years pass.


I read somewhere than an alcoholic is a person who drinks to escape reality and/or a person who drinks until they are too drunk to get more, if you feel this is happening to you it's time to 1) Don't increase the amount you drink and 2)Pay attention to what's bothering you.


Problems facing life are rarely related to the world out there, they have to do with things within ourselves, so counseling could help you find what's troubling you.


And, a simple advice I can give you is to relax, life is not that complex, don't stress over it, flow with it.

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