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a nice little encounter....

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I work in a fairly small office building, and recently I've noticed this guy either in the hallway or outside the bldg...we always smile and say hi, although I had no idea where he worked. Well morning, I was headed into the building, in a rush b/c I was late, and i see walking toward me. I was prepared to do the usualy hi thing and keep walking, but he stopped and introduced himself and said he'd noticed me around the building. I was caught off guard as I was running late, and not exactly looking my best, ahem....we briefly told us where we each work (he's in a totally different company). Anyhow. There's no question here, pere se, but my first fear is that he may be married (this same type of situation happened to me not long ago), or just "being friendly"....i get my hopes up so quickly, and next time I see him, would like a chance to talk more. Just curious if he's "interested" or what...

I have been curious about him since I started noticing him and caught him smiling/looking at me....

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He pretty obviously wanted to say Hi for a reason. He's likely noticed you as much as you've noticed him. I gather you took a quick scan of his ring finger? I know it's not a great indicator for some guys, but there are those who slip the ring into a pocket and don't seem to realize there's quite often an impression or slight tan line left.


Don't get your hopes up too high, but at least let it run for a while and see where it goes. You could always drop a hint about having a coffee together sometime during the day the next time you see him and have a chance to say a word or two and see how he reacts.

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So, what are you saying, exactly??


I think RayF meant that some guys, no matter how much they like you, are sometimes unable to make an approach because they are afraid of rejection and getting hurt.


Which of course means that it's your job to make approaching very easy by being incredibly obvious. Or then you could throw old aged rules such as "a guy must be asking out" into winds and ask HIM out.

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