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Will I EVER get her to like me?

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There's a girl who I like. I absolutely adore her and we have known each other for nearly two years.


The problem is she insists that we can only ever be friends! She told me recently that she doesn't feel any 'spark' for me and that we are simply friends!


Am I REALLY stuck with this friendship I don't want or is there something maybe that I could try in order to win her over? Surely she can't just write off any future we might have together? SURELY I can try something to get us together?


She's so special to me, I have met loads of girls but she has something far more unique and I really really would like to make a go of things!


What do you people reckon?


L x

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I hate to say it but u cannot change how some1 feels. It sounds like u have a great friendship, i think thats all your gonna get. At least she's bein straight up with u and not leadin u on in any way, because believe me that would hurt more, support her and respect her, it will get easier, I know its hard and u think there aint no1 else like her, but believe me, there is.


Good luck.

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Sorry to hear about your situation - it's quite common that it happens and there is nothing worse than that feeling when you hear - "just friends".


It seems clear that she has told you where you stand - so I guess whats left to do is for you to decide on whether you stay around or not.


The reason I say this is that if you are going to continue to harbour feelings for her and hang around her - it's possible that you could get hurt. You will know if this is the case - I've hung around before myself and it can get messy - as much as you can hide the feelings and get on with it - eventually you are the one that gets hurt because of this.


I suggest that you have a good think about that. If you can stay friends with her and survive - thats great and go for it - but if you are going to get hurt, staying around is not the way forward.


Hope this helps you some.....



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I think when you stop acting like you care so much about her she'll warm up to you. I think she's just nervous at the fact that you're trying so hard and if you give her a little break she can think things over, I'm not saying end all contact with her, I'm saying be there when she needs you and act like the best possible friend. Also why don't you look at the guy's she's dated before, what are they like? Now don't go changing who you are for one person. Why don't you date someone else in the mean time and just live unstead of worrying about her when she wants you she'll come.


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Thanks for the great replies guys - its really helped me to look at things properly!


I think I'm going to take Devon's advice and just lay off for a while and let her come back to me when she's ready.


Devon: you were quite correct actually by saying that shes nervous about me trying so hard. Problem was I expressed jealousy over a boy she likes in a sexual way and thats what started all the trouble!


So I guess I'll let things settle and let her decide what she wants to do!


Cheers guys

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