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meeting her for the first time...

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I;ve been in an LDR for the past 2-3 months and i'm meeting her for the very first time tomorrow morning, she is changing flights at my airport so i said i would be there to meet her. We only have maybe 5-10 minutes to spend together an i want her to remember them.


What do i say? Im at a complete loss...

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I;ve been in an LDR for the past 2-3 months and i'm meeting her for the very first time tomorrow morning, she is changing flights at my airport so i said i would be there to meet her. We only have maybe 5-10 minutes to spend together an i want her to remember them.


What do i say? Im at a complete loss...


Is this the new version of speed dating?

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There's not a lot you can cover in 10 mins! Just ask how she is, and see if there are any initial sparks. You will be able to tell in those 10 mins whether you want to see her again, and try make arrangements for it!



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Maybe you can get her a little something for on the plane - a magazine, her favourite drink, something to eat... oh and maybe add a little card in it? saying 'hi maybe we can meet up again for longer then 10 minutes...'

i know i wud love to receive that!

For the rest you can show an interest in her and ask how her flight was, how glad you are to meet her - even if its only 10 mins, how much u was lookin forward to it,...


think of what you would like if you was in her situation...

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ha funny story, turns out airport security has tightened more than i realized since 9/11...nowadays you can't meet someone at the gate, and they can't come out to meet you even if they leave their bag with the security guy because, "we just don't do that". I don't know how an 18 year old who stands 5'2, white girl in a ball state university t-shirt and cheer shorts could bomb a plane but i suppose i'd rather be safe than sorry lol. Anyway wasted trip.

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