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5 days too long for first date?

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Yes, the title sounds misleading, but it's not what it appears.


I started talking to this girl via email yesterday (we met on a personals site). We've had a few email exchanges, and I mentioned that we ought to meet up in person and get to know each other over a light lunch/dinner. She definitely agreed.


Question is-- Today is Monday. From a girl's perspective, would it be too far in advance to set a date for Friday (4-5 days)? We're both in school, by the way.

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So the date was fun. We hit it if off pretty well, but was slightly akward for her at the beginning because she had never seen me before, so it was kind of like a blind date for her. We talked and laughed while we ate over a light dinner at this local hot spot. For it being my first date ever, I was totally confident in everything that I was doing. We seem to have quite a bit in common. At the end, we exchanged numbers and that was that.


So yeah, not as bad as I anticipated.

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From watching her body language and whatnot from the date, she hinted that she's inexperienced when it comes to dating/guys... which means we're in the same boat. I guess it's important to take things slowly, ya? Her birthday is in about a week, so I figured I could get her a cute little birthday present of some kind. Flowers might be pushing it, I don't know. But at the same time I don't want it to come off as a strictly friendship thing.

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Well, it's been more than a day now after leaving her a message and still no call back. Would it be a good idea to email her if she doesn't call back by tonight? I don't want to keep calling her. She doesn't seem like the kind of girl that would be super busy every single day either... but I may be wrong, dunno.

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