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just letting things happen...

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I'd really love to be in a realtionship its just hard for me to find someone I'd like be with. I have an issue w/ pushing people away. I dont know why. Ive tried hobbies, and making myself super busy so I wont have to think about having realtionships. Unfortunately I became so I busy I just got burnt out & it really didnt help the problem. I should look for "friendships" but its hard b/c I know that Im looking for more.

I wonder how other people get through this. I know that spending all your time obsessing about having relationships wont help. So how can I stop myself from doing this?

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Don'tworry sugar i feel what your going through. Dated loads of men and never got anywhere. I never seem to fancy them or it could be i might fancy someone and all they want is sex. Honestly just go out with your friends and enjoy their company and what ever comes along comes along. I'm sick and tired of thinking like that. It wastes time and energy!

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I think a major problem is that I have no friends, and the few friends I do have I dont care to hang around b/c they are too juvenile/down right obnoxious. That sounds quite negative but I dont mean to be. I could go on and on about the stories but I wont. I just dont care to hang around ppl I find obnoxious so Im back to zero.

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Yea I can understand how that must really suck. I got few friend too, but popular, never was and never will be. Only been in one relation for only a week, had to dump him due to him and heavy drugs, real bad info about him. Then no dating, one on myspace called me, say he would call again, never cal back.


So nope, you're not really alone, and hopefully I'll not die as an old maiden with no experience. Some people are indeed very obnoxious, liek my friend's two friends, they were laughing their ridiculous high pitch hyena laughs and so full of themselves. If it wasn't for my friend I would have easily told them to shut up already. I'm a girl but I'm not that loud nor talk too much, nor laugh like that (unless it's something real funny). And I'm not into that much gossip either, but them, it was like all they were talking baout was gossips and too much BS.

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