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How do i stop this?

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Ok. So I shaved for the first time some private areas. And I like how it looks and all but I have this horrible itching or maybe it's more like a million * * * * *ly feelings down there. It's really annoying and I can't walk very far before it starts to bother me. So does anyone have an idea on how to stop this problem? Or do I have sensitive skin or is it something I will have to learn to live with

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Regrowth kills me too.


I've never been able to find a product that helped calm this when I shaved so I switched to nairing it and find the results last longer and have no itching.


I also made an attempt at epilating but the noise of the thing just freaked me out too much.. lol.


I hate shaving cream also in my face. I shave with water and put lotion.


Edited: For privates add a little of your hair shampoo or hair conditioner to a small bowl of water and shave with that.


Do _not_ use soap as it is more aggressive and not as slippery.


Afterward put body lotion.


If you sensitive or have no body lotion you also can use Petrolium Jelly like Vaseline.


First time or infrequent shaving of privates causes rashes and some hairs grow inside the folicle. You can try to not shave it bald at once.

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The word censor is a computer programme and will edit out words that are offensive even if they form part of another word that is not. As in your case. Computers are not as discerning or as intuitive as humans which gives hope that they may not take over the world after all.

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I have very sensitive skin, so everything I use (shaving cream, body wash, lotion) is extra moisturizing. I even use in the shower lotion along with normal body lotion. This seemed to help the problem down there with the itching and bumps, but also shaving frequently helps too. Nair never worked for me.

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As a woman I would never use soap. Extra-sensitive shaving foam with aloe or hair conditioner is the only way to go.


~is horrified at the thought~


Households are generaly in possession of soap. My gf uses soap (to wash) and lastly some boys including jours truly shave too


I shall try hair conditioner and edit the other post. Thank you agent.

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soap! accck!


I personally don't shave. waxing is preferable.


as for the itchiness, I don't know what you can really do. maybe put on some baby powder.


all I think you can do is just let it grow out, and never shave again! I think you should be ok in a few days.


good luck

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Well i have the same problem but have found a solution and it really works!! It may sound weird but use any normal deodorant and apply to the shaved area when dry. It really does work and smells good as well. The only problem is it doesn't taste very good for "oral pleasure." But it makes things a lot more comfortable!!! TRY IT!

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thanx for teh help. I think what i'll do is shave again with some cream then moisturize with some lotion i can find around the house. If that doesn't work i'll just let it grow back and trim it regularly. Now how to find out how im gonna get through gym for then next few days if i can't run.

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Well i've decied to let it grow back. I tried most of the stuff that was recomended and it didn't really help. The itching is getting really bad now since most of the hair is about 0.5mm long and is rubbing againts my skin and being pushed in the wrong direction that it's growing. Does anyone know how long it will take till my hair doesn't hurt and itch anymore and how long it will take to fully grow back? Thanx for any help you can offer

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