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I am just looking for a little advice and some other options. I was in a verbally and physically relationship for a little over a year. I finally came to my sense and got the hell out of it about a month ago. I'm doing great. Awesome actually. Hanging out with friends and just living again.


My problem is that he will not stop contacting me. One night i had 10 missed calls and 32 text messages on my cell phone and this was between 1 am and 8 am!!! I have a very professional job. I have to be to work for 9 and often have to go to clients offices to do audits and such. I need my cell phone for when people back at the office need me. He continued to call me at work after repeated times I have asked him to leave me alone.


So I changed my cell phone number and he no longer knows it. So he has resorted to email. So I block him email address and he just creates a new one. I'm not exaggerating when I say he emails me between 10 and 20 times a day.


He found out I was dating someone else, I guess from friends and he lost it. Emailed me and said he wanted to hurt me and bad as I hurt him and that his ultimate goal is to make me feel so much pain. I do not doubt this because he has assulted me before. He also said if he ever saw this new guy he would "rip him apart" and his emails continued with the name calling and the putting down of me and all my friends.. and emails of pictures of thie girls he want to sleep with and chat logs with him hitting on girls. I dont want any part in this. I might of emailed him like 5 times asking to please stop contacting me. I asked him to please move on and leave me alone. And that is the extent of my emails. I printed off every word he has written to me in the past little while. Some of it is pretty scary. But then he will email again saying he just wants me to be happy ](*,) . I am so frustrated because I just want to be happy and left alone. Is it normal for someone to be soooo persistent. I mean we broke up. I know your sad but I shouldnt have to deal with all this.


I'm kinda confused as to what I should do. Should I call his father and tell him everything his son has been up to? Should I go to the police and tell them he has threatened me? Should I leave it alone and just continue to block every email I receive from him? I'm just scared I will see him at a bar one night drunk and he'll get violent.

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krissy, i strongly feel that you should bring this to the attention of to his father AND the authorities, and do it immediately. i don't know about Canadian law, but where i live his 'manly' comment about hurting you is considered a terroristic threat, and he most likely would be jailed for that one thing alone. get a restraining order, it isn't hard to do in a case like this.


don't block his emails, use them in court to have him locked away where he belongs.

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