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sparking a fight here.....lol

Hi there...are you suggesting that a strong woman is a b"word"? ouch.

I think I can answer clearly. Men do not want someone they can walk over. They want a strong women who knows herself, who cares about herlself, who sticks up for herself. She does not put up with any crap, and she is independent. To me this is a strong woman....this has nothing to do with being a B"word".

Now if you are talking about men that date women that are mean all the time, I do not think that means they are strong women. I think that is just the kind of person they are. What that comes down to is ... there is more in her that he is able to see than you are able to see.

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Hi, I tend to agree with everyone here!


I like a girl who'll tell me what she's thinking (oh, yea, like there's even a chance of that )! But, I like a calm easy-going girl as well, I'm sort of that exact same thing in male form. I'll let you know when I'm thinking something, but I like to just get along, so I try not to argue too much (well, I said "try" )


My guess is that guys and girls like someone who compliments their own personality. If a guy is a rough type, who can argue anything, he'd probably rather have someone to argue with, rather than someone who'll just agree all the time...


Now if you are talking about men that date women that are mean all the time, I do not think that means they are strong women. I think that is just the kind of person they are. What that comes down to is ... there is more in her that he is able to see than you are able to see.


Well said, Segagirl. I agree, there may be more he sees in the girl!


Just a thought...


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I agree, it needs to be somewhere in the middle. My last gf was completely submissive and weak, and my current gf is the complete OPPOSITE. So basically now I'm ready for anything LOL Now there's a big fight over usually nothing once a week after which we don't talk for a couple of days... FUN!!!!

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