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Only hypothetically speaking!!!!!!

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Let's say one does cheat on a loved one (total wrong of course) and they are found out, get caught, or confess. The beloved one is hurt of course, but then the cheater finds out that they can actually go back in time when they were gonna make the mistake.


You do go back in time when you were thinking of cheating, only now that you know how your partner was hurt, you don't do it. Thus, your partner doesn't know, nor has any recollection of what just happened. What story would really count more.

1) the originally one, where your partner was hurt and thus you still cheated 2) or the later one where you went back in time and erase all that event and your partner sees you as the same respectful person they met you as


Second question "Would telling the truth count also, now that you went back in time and erase that hurtful memory, even if your partner has no recollection of it"?

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LOL, now hold on, I'm not the one cheating, LOL, I'm not even in a relation yet, never was. I'm just asking the question in general, two of my friends cheated on their b/fs. One was found out, he staying with her still but she keeps telling me how she wishes it wouldn't have happen. The other one doesn't really care.

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1) the originally one, where your partner was hurt and thus you still cheated 2) or the later one where you went back in time and erase all that event and your partner sees you as the same respectful person they met you as


Is this a trick question? Jk, but it's hard to answer, because going back to the past is something that can't be done... plus what'd make a cheater think they'd deserve a second chance?

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haha well that ones got me thinking??! either youre stoned or got a lotta time on your hands??! well....basically i think youre wondering if the cheater feels bad, regrets it, is it better not to tell the truth and thus avoid causing the hurt??! I might be wrong but that kinda seems to be the issue there?


Ive thought a lot about that as i got cheated on and initially part of me just wished i didnt know about it - i desperately wanted to be with this guy but once i knew what he had done, that was it, no way of forgiving.....However, esentially the deed is done so whether i knew about it or not, the realtionship was a farce then, he had ridiculed me.


In your hypothetical situation the cheater wanted to do the cheating and only wished to take it back when they saw the destruction it caused....deep down i believe a cheater always knows at the time that they are causing pain to someone else yet in the moment they disregard that...thereforeeee no i dont think it would make it better to go back in time and remove it!

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LOL, nice one there but dispute the fact that the cheater went back in time and erase that event (hypothetically speaking as you stated) he/she still originally cheated.

As for telling the truth, LOL, the cheatee would prollie not believe a word you're saying, more than likely he/she will be thinking you're crazy.

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