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Have you ever been hit on/flirted with by a girl and are you an alpha male?

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Hmmm, well I have had 3 random girls approach me to talk, they also seemed happy and smiley too. No playing with hair or leaning in closer though, so hmmm, I wonder if it means they was interested?


Also, I have been asked what's wrong on quite a few occasions by people, so I guess I probably do look sulky/unhappy a lot of the time, which could be having implications on girls approaching me.

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Nope, I'm absolutely a beta male. I'm not particularly good at anything and don't have any ambitions beyond avoiding pain for the day. My kind wasn't meant to breed because it would weaken the species. Beta males are meant to die protecting the herd or in futile battles with alphas.


I've failed at life and don't have anything to offer a potential mate. I know the things I need to change about my self to become more desirable and I refuse to do them.


I'm fairly certain I will spend the rest of my life alone and as I get older it is becoming easier and easier to accept that fact.


I did play alpha for a while and had a spectacular relationship with a wonderful girl for about a year so at least I'm not going to die a virgin.

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Yah but...that's only what *I* do to show interest, people vary in their body language. If someone appears happy to be around you, then it isn't an inappropriate thing to ask to see them again, or whatever.


I know that people are very hard to read sometimes, not everyone is as blindingly obvious as I am. It's just a case of keeping practicing and trusting your instincts. And of course, being Sulk-Free really will help your chances.

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I go on the net, play videogames, watch satalitte, listen to music, and I work out.


I wouldn't mind developing some interests out of the house, like maybe go the gym, um, dunno, there doesn't seem to be that many outside activities round here. The learning to dance idea sounds quite good, I will look into it more, I'm sure there must be some place round here or near here.



"I go on the net, play videogames, watch satalitte, listen to music, and I work out."


Sorry, but you're kinda boring since any 12+ yr old does that.


pick at least 2 things you want to do and get good at them.

i.e. Dance!!!!, hiking, running, biking, quilting, knitting, parachuting, scuba diving, fishing, etc etc

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Alpha male or female = [...] type A personality.
Mac, i'm going to check the box next to "somewhat disagree" on this one. i consider myself a classic Alpha male, and the fact that i have never been without female companionship is a good indicator of that. wherever i go, i rise quickly to the top of the social structure, be it at work, in recreational groups or what have you.


true, i am known as an extrovert because i like to express myself in humorous ways and i learned to overcome the shyness of my youth, but i am neither intense, ambitious, nor hot-tempered, and i think that puts me square in the "Type B" camp.


i am as laid-back as the lion who just ate a zebra, and i will always be happy that way.

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"I go on the net, play videogames, watch satalitte, listen to music, and I work out."


Sorry, but you're kinda boring since any 12+ yr old does that.


pick at least 2 things you want to do and get good at them.

i.e. Dance!!!!, hiking, running, biking, quilting, knitting, parachuting, scuba diving, fishing, etc etc



Wow hit the nail on the head.


Anyway, here's a hobby post from me (in another forum):


Magic (Not a hobby you will get great at like BAM!)


Radio Control Stuff (when I can afford it)




Games at times

Larping (aka beating people with foam swords)

downloading warez

meeting new people (I say this is a hobby cause * * * * it takes a lot of work)

Learning (hobby again)

Martial Arts (when I do finally start again)


Working out is a hobby, a hobby is something you have to work at to improve, to get good at, etc.


Usually a hobby is constructive too. (So games don't really count, except for logic games in a round about way).


You could try Kayaking, fishing, hiking, etc etc.


But honestly, what have you tried to do in your life thus far!



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Wow hit the nail on the head.


Anyway, here's a hobby post from me (in another forum):


Magic (Not a hobby you will get great at like BAM!)


Radio Control Stuff (when I can afford it)




Games at times

Larping (aka beating people with foam swords)

downloading warez

meeting new people (I say this is a hobby cause * * * * it takes a lot of work)

Learning (hobby again)

Martial Arts (when I do finally start again)




OK, I'll add some of mine from my life;


Cars, custom of course

Scuba diving


Fly Tying (it's an art)

Dancing (3 formal types)

R/C Planes

Skiing (downhill)


Exotic Fishkeeping

My Ferret keeps me so it doesn't count.

Stained glass (lots of fun)

Pro and Semi Pro racing car owner/driver (ok, may not be for everyone)





Logic puzzles (umm, the hard ones)

Inventing/Designing (Struct/Mech Engineering)



I'll stop there.....

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what is fly tying? Oh nm that's fishing I assume.


I want to learn swing dancing, waltz, tango, and a few others. OH yea,


Yup you've got me beat, but I'm still looking for my interests so to speak,


Sheesh I'm only 21

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I don't think they have any of that cool stuff around here. Britains a lot of a different kinda place, basically pretty drab and boring. But I'm gonna look into this anyway, I think there's a gym round here so I've been thinking of joining.

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I want to learn swing dancing, waltz, tango, and a few others. OH yea,




Waltz is just a basic dance, kinda boring, mostly for older people. (I'm not old lol)


Swing, Tango, Salsa, Merengue?, Paso Doble? and a few others are really funky dances and draw many people both young and old.

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Salsa, I don't really like salsa.


Like most dances in clubs.


Sex with clothes on,


grr. Not very impressed.


Ya, I'm fine if the girl is my GF, I'm just not thrilled if it isn't.


DEFINITELY not gonna be happy if shes doing it with some other guy

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Salsa, I don't really like salsa.


Like most dances in clubs.


Sex with clothes on,


grr. Not very impressed.


Ya, I'm fine if the girl is my GF, I'm just not thrilled if it isn't.


DEFINITELY not gonna be happy if shes doing it with some other guy



The Latin dances are supposed to be sexy & sexual lol

Why do you think the girls love them?



Then Swing dancing (Lindy Hop, West coast or East coast/Jitterbug) would be for you and most others interested in learning a dance.


They can be danced w/ many kinds of music including Hip Hop, Metal, Pop, Jazz, Blues, R&B, House etc.

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I'll add a few hobbies of my own.. Just to be cool.


Argentine Tango.. Nothing is hotter IMHO.



Camping, real camping where you purify your own water or not.


LAN parties

Wild mushroom hunting (with proper identification!)



Magic (the card game)

Role playing (not the bedroom kind persay but the games. tons of fun..)



Horseback riding


Playing an instrument

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I'll add a few hobbies of my own.. Just to be cool.


Argentine Tango.. Nothing is hotter IMHO.



Camping, real camping where you purify your own water or not.


LAN parties

Wild mushroom hunting (with proper identification!)



Magic (the card game)

Role playing (not the bedroom kind persay but the games. tons of fun..)



Horseback riding


Playing an instrument

Holy popcorn batman! A girl who is attractive and plays video games! I'm going to buy a lottery ticket right now because it appears the laws of probability are entirely out of whack! I'll be sure not to slip on the ice coming from the netherworld or step in any droppings of aerial swine.

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I'll add a few hobbies of my own.. Just to be cool.


Argentine Tango.. Nothing is hotter IMHO.



Camping, real camping where you purify your own water or not.


LAN parties

Wild mushroom hunting (with proper identification!)



Magic (the card game)

Role playing (not the bedroom kind persay but the games. tons of fun..)



Horseback riding


Playing an instrument


Marry me?


I keed I keed



hehe, awesome hobbies.


I just went larping last weekend


It was saaweeet.


Whoever you're dating, tell them they are blessed.


The budman sayith!


And Sir sirloin, they exist, I've known it for awhile


They are just elusive prey.



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