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Things are not going so well at my new job..

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The first couple of days have been absolutely hectic. I am the only cart pusher in the morning up until the afternoon & it's hard going around trying to pick up carts by myself all around a large parking lot. No one has really trained me yet but a couple of people that tried to show me very quickly how to use a Mule which is a machine used to pick up the carts. I'm really not getting the grasp of it yet but I hope I will lol. It's been very stressful but I'm trying to keep it together. Then they have a manager coming out of the store every 7 minutes to talk to me, telling me that I need to pick up the pace. It's Saturday & it's very crowded these days. I'm really too busy trying to make sure the carts don't go everywhere & I'm trying to dodge cars, then it's blazing hot because of the sun! I felt like I was going to die out there. I had to get water or fruitopia every 6 minutes lol.


Then at one point today, it was so hot & I was carrying a bunch of carts into the front of the store for the customers because there were no carts. I'm running with all of these carts & one of them slips & dents a car!!!!!! Ironically, the lady was just walking out of the store with her groceries to witness that!She ran over there & she was very angry, I was so nervous & I apologised maybe perhaps like 100 times in just 1 minute. It wasn't a really bad dent but I was still upset that I dented her car. I explained that I just started working & she said she wouldn't call the manager. She basically rolled her eyes at me & slammed her car door & she was on her way, how embarrassing.. Then I am such a weakling seriously! I can't even really control handling so many carts & with a job like this, you can't be slow.I really need more people out there helping me in the mornings & the evenings because I feel like I can't do this by myself everyday!


Another issue is alot of my co-workers are very funny acting & stuck-up, especially the kids my age range. I'm trying to be friendly,nice & get to know everybody but some just look at me like I am crazy like, "Why are you talking to me??" The only people that are really nice to me are basically the elderly people who greet people at the door. I don't have a problem being friends with elderly people but I really wish I can be able to communicate with the kids my age range.Today I introduced myself to a female co-worker & I just said hi my name is such & such & I'm new here. She basically replied with a "Why are you talking to me? Do you know me?" type of response.So that was like a kick in my mouth.


It's the first job I know but I guess things will get better I hope. I have tomorrow off thank god! I'm seriously beat & sore all over my body from all of that lifting so I'll just relax...

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Maybe you need to start going to the gym on your day off to start and build up your strength?


As the days go on it'll get easier and you'll get faster at the job. Everyone has problems when they start a new job especially when it's something you haven't done in a previous job. If you have problems talk to the older people you're friendly with and ask them for their advice. I'm sure they'd be happy to help.


Good luck

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It takes awhile to get the hang of things with any new job. You aren't going to know how to do everything right away. So cut yourself a bit of a break. You seem to be trying as hard as you can, and that's really all you can do.


Mistakes get made. You didn't mean to dent her car and you apologized profusely. So you did the right thing. Not everybody will be decent. That's the curse of being in a customer service position.


If a manager is telling you to pick up the pace, I would take that opportunity to ask them to please train you in some things so that you can be more efficient. If it's a decent place to work, they'll do it. If they just yell at you, well then maybe that's not the place you want to stay at very long.


Enjoy your day off!

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your body will get used to the strain within a week or so, any open-minded co-workers with hearts will eventually see what kind of person you are and accept you, and one day soon you will look back at the car incident and chuckle.


other than that... if work was fun, they wouldn't have to pay us to do it, right?


hang in, kid.

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Hey you! Sorry to hear about your job going so bad. Maybe this will make you feel better.....I just got fired on my 3rd day of work!!!!! But hang in there, first jobs are ALWAYS like this, and they know that. You HAVE to start somewhere. And dealing with stuck up people always happens to me too. everytime I spoke to them, they would be like "why are you talking to me??" ugh!! hang in there. We've all been there

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Hey you! Sorry to hear about your job going so bad. Maybe this will make you feel better.....I just got fired on my 3rd day of work!!!!! But hang in there, first jobs are ALWAYS like this, and they know that. You HAVE to start somewhere. And dealing with stuck up people always happens to me too. everytime I spoke to them, they would be like "why are you talking to me??" ugh!! hang in there. We've all been there


I hope things will get better! I'm a little nervous going back to work tomorrow & the next day I have off is Friday. I'm sorry about your job Yvette & maybe that job wasn't cut out for you. Maybe god has something better in store for you .


The thing was they had a couple of people train me on how to do this & do that.I was getting some parts & then I wasn't. I could tell that they were getting very annoyed with me because I wasn't catching on as fast as I should. I really hope things will get better. As far as being friends with my co-workers, I should just focus on working instead of being friends with people there I guess. Some of the people just act funny around me & it's like what is it? Do I smell bad or what lol??

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Maybe you should talk to your boss. Most employers should be open to a discussion about further training...especially if you are doing your best and they can see that. I always tell my employees that if they have a question to ask it, and if they are having trouble with something then let me know. It always takes time to adjust to a new job and any reasonable employer knows this.


But if you don't get any joy from your employer...start looking for something else and only leave this job when you have found another.


Goodluck with it!!

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