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Kissing a guy with braces when you have braces too!

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Ok I like this guy right lets call him Bob. Ok well I've like Bob since the beginning of school. Make a long story short he ended up being in my friends quince!!!! and my friends were making fun of me so i got mad and went to sit on this couch outside and he went over, sat next to me (then scooted a little closer to me) and asked WHATS UP SMALL FRY?...then from there on we were kinda flirting!!! But my friend (the one with the quince) likes him still and he's her ex! and even SHE thinks he likes me! But I told her I wouldnt go against her and go out with him but she doesnt know I like him!! But if she finds out I think she'll get pissed off!!! What should I do?!!? And if he goes in for a kiss (he has braces and so do I) what should I do? Do braces get stuck together?????

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From my experiences braces have never ever got stuck. When I had braces I kissed many guys who also had braces, generally when you kiss your teeth dont touch. Be honest with your friend tell her that you like him. If its over between them then it shouldnt really matter, but if she has feelings for him then you have to make a decision about what you would prefer.

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Going out with friends ex's aren't really a good idea, what happens if your friend suddenly realises that she likes him again when you and Bob start going out? buuut...if she even has said yes to you and Bob than go for it! I don't have braces so I don't know what it's like but I don't think it would be that bad like in totally embaressing situations in the movies or whatever but if something like that sticking together happens just laugh it off and you will get better at kissing each other soon

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Yea she does still have feelings for Bob. But I think he likes me! And if he askes me out it's going to be very tempting to say yes but i would probably hurt my friends!!! But then again she did say she doesnt know how she feels about him! I DONT KNOW!!!! HELP! how would I know that he likes me!?!?!?!

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Listen, if your now telling me that she still has feelings for bob than you should really think over saying yes to him. If he really liked you so much than he wouldn't like his ex's friend, c'mon! I'm not saying that your not good enough it's just that there are better guys out there to go out with than Bob...also if your friend is confused about her feelings for bob than don't push the subject if you know what I mean 8) maybe she still likes him or not? who knows but even if she doesn't than it's not a wise idea to go out with your friends ex...please think about this, I have tried to explain why the best I could I hope I didn't confuse you.



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  • 3 months later...

hey i have never kissed a guy either and ive heard that your braces wont get stuck together. and if Bob likes you and you like Bob and Bob doesnt like your friend then if your friend is turly a friend she wont get made at you for going out with him. but always remember never let a guy come inbetween you and your friends!

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  • 1 month later...
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  • 1 year later...

Omg i was so worried about kissing my bf because we both had braces! and i thought that they would get stuck!

I was going through it loads of times thinking what about if we both get stuck together in front of people!!

But i feel such a fool now! Kissed him now several times when we both have braces and never even touched them!

One thing i can say though is i try and take it quite slow. Ok i know you can't exactly go just before your about to kiss "ey lets take it slow" but if you set the pace yourself he will probrably just folow.

Hope this helps anyone and i know your still probrably not convinced as i wasn't no matter how many times i red things saying you don't get stuck but really you should just bleve it and don't worry!



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I dunno... my dad told me a funny story about his friend in high school who was making out with his girl in the janitor's office... they got stuck together, and had to walk down the hall just as classes were getting out, call their parents from the office, and go to the ortho. >.


But my teeth don't usually touch the guy's when I kiss, so just be aware of it and you should be fine.

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  • 2 years later...

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