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Stupid girl getting no respect- need help

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I have been dating a guy for all of two weeks. I do not know what is going on, but I think he might be losing interest in me.


He says he comes on really strong to begin with, and that he did. We have been out more than we should have for knowing eachother for such short time. I've already met some of his friends.


Here is the delema: We had plans for last night, his friend's car broke down and he had to go pick him up- not a problem, he's a nice guy, but I was just getting off of work and he couldn't wait five minutes for me and this was one of the friends that I have already met.


So, he says he will call me when he gets the guy home in about an hour. It took an hour and a half. He calls and we make plans for that night, Friday, because he tells me that he has plans for Saturday; which, by the way, we made plans to see eachother then on Monday.


We were going to meet and then he calls telling me he did not know about one of his best friends bachelor party happening Friday night, and he couldn't miss it.


So now he say he will some how make time for me Saturday- like it is some big chore. Everything seemed great until last night, and now, who knows?


Does this boy like me at all?


Should I go out with him or just move on because of his disrespect?


Should I talk to him about it? Honestly, I am not mad at him, just myself for being so stupid. I don't do well when others take me for granted.


help please

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You're going to need to follow your gut on this one. Sometimes those fast relationships that happen because someone "came on strong" loose their passion just as fast. A lot of people get wrapped up in the chase and the initial chemistry and then find out that it wasn't what they wanted after all. Not saying this is one of "those"... only you can tell on that one. I feel for you... been there, done that. Sorry you're going through this.

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Well from what I read, and as a guy, my initial reaction is to tell you to RELAX!!


You said it yourself, that you have only been seeing him for all of two weeks. I see NO disrespect here on his part. Okay, you guys had plans and they fell through. The disrespectful thing would be to blow you off and not tell you about it. Keep you waiting. In my opinion, there was nothing wrong with his remark that he will try to find some time on Saturday to see you. To me, he is implying that he WANTS to see you.


Its only been TWO weeks. If he isn't commited enough at this point to your liking, then move on. But its still VERY early in the 'getting to know eachother stage'. You cant expect to be his priority. Give him and yourself some breathing space.

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Yeah, just take it easy and see what pans out. It seems like he had some last-minute things he had to take care of, and since you've only been dating for a few weeks, I'd be a little less demanding. Go with the flow. If he continues to make excuses, then sit back; you have your answer.

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I don't think his actions necessarily mean that he's lost interest but I know that I probably would be. Having plans fall through because of a car breaking down or something coming up is one thing, I can handle that. But making plans over plans in my book is not. (As he did to you about Saturday.) Maybe he forgot, I don't know, but if this behavior becomes a pattern you might want to think about leaving.

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