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They fired me on the third day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Ok, I am sooooooooo p!$$ed off!! I started this job 3 days ago, and they FIRED me today!!!! yeah, I was nervous but so what!?!?! everyone is when they first start a job! they were still training me and I hadn't even gotten the chance to actually WORK yet, and they fired me today out of the blue!!! First off, they didn't even give me work to do today, they just had me shredding paper or cleaning glass shelves, then the superviser came up to me and said "this job isn't a good fit for us and yourself, we need someone "gungho" and that can grasp the multitasking of the job" what the heck???

I am always offering to help, having a positive attitude and trying my hardest. And the manager didn't even talk to me, he just left, but in my interview, he said "everyone learns at a different paces, you may learn fast, you may learn slow, but either way you WILL learn it" and he said if he sees you struggling or not going at thje pace you should be, that he would talk to you about it and see where you're at! did he do that???? NO!!!! they just canned me and didn't even give me a fair chance!!!!! anyone have any opinions on this???

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Hey Yvette,


Nasty news, sorry to hear!!


I was looking at your sig. block and had this idea: you went out there to do your bit, to learn, do a job, make a contribution. But your employers? It sounds like they did let you down, that they didn't "~be what you want to find~".


They wanted someone "gungho", but were unenthusiastic in giving you helpful instruction - a little "do as I say, not as I do", perhaps on their part?


Doesn't sound like a place where you'd really want to work, anyway.


Give it another go. Find another job, you'll do fine!

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bah you're post has me worried now! I just started a job 3 days ago!!! lol


that really sucks they fired you!!! what kinda job was it??


least now you can look for something new! and not get idiot bosses who don't give ya a chance.

It was as an optomostrist assistant.

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Sorry to say this but as some one who Hires and Fires this could be nothing to do with you, Some one could have over steped the mark in hireing you or


My make like this one or not you could be to much of a hotty in the room, some manigers like to keep the male staff focused by not haveing hovely aftractive female staff around Dumb and blunt I know but some do (not me your works all im intrested in)


So hes like about us and you is just the standered, "your fired but in a constructive way" bit.


best thing to forget his pap one lines as they are meaningless and get looking for a new job in a place thats not such a bad place to work.

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My guess is you weren't fired, they dissolved the position or some nonsense. Everyone is too afraid of wrongful termination suits to actually fire anyone these days.


I don't know how it works in california but if you worked within the last 18 months in maryland you qualify for unemployment. My guess is california is just as liberal about it. If you had other jobs recently that weren't under the table then you should be able to qualify.


You should call your unemployment office and talk to someone about opening a claim.


And if you do get it, send me a thank you note

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I have similar experience, but just one day more than you.

They fired me on the 4th day.

I got a better job later.

So be positive, better job awaits you.


Frankly, I am tired of working like hell. I hope for a vacation. However, it is seems not possible, because I am start a part time course on Sunday. So the left Saturday, sometimes have to go back office to work.

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Sounds like they were looking for a mind reader?


Its probably better in the long run that you're not working there. If they couldn't take the time to train you properly, then they probably would have had unreasonable expectations of you later on as well.

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Some places just decide they don't like you, usually for no valid reason. People can be judgemental on the silliest things (what colour shirt you wear, age, gender, race etc) and will just look for an excuse to shaft you. It's horrible but well people are horrible at times!

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