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My life has been compltely crazy since last year. As a recap, I fell deeply in love with my ex girlfriend right before I went off for college. I came back for her 8 months later only to be financially cut off from all college from that point on. At the time I didnt really care cause I was in love and I felt safe with her. Well to my astonishment she broke up with me for another guy and I had my heart ripped apart for the first time in my life. For a month or two i was suicidal and didnt leave my room and was just a complete wreck. I started dating around and found out that I can have fun, but I feel nothing anymore. Its like my brain is in a daze even 6 months later. I have had complete self confidence issues since I was little. I have exzema and I think I look way to young for my age. I been going to the gym, got a job, and believe it or not Got my financial backing for college reinstated (UCF by the way). So eveyrthing should be great. I also have a great girlfriend, but my ex depserately wants me back, and i been seeing her and talking to her a lot. She is the one girl i truly have feelings for. I just dont know if all the issues could ever be settled. I should be happy and feel like my life has meaning now, but i feel compltely useless, depressed, and meaningless. I have felt this way since the beggining of high school, and in high school I found myself being depressed all the time as being an outcast. Im sorry for venting guys, I just wanted any suggestions or opinions on ways to try to kickstart my mind into a postitive thinking mode, and not get caught up in the drama of my relationships and the fog that is invading my brain.

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Best thing to do is go see your doc or a counceler and talk about your being depressed they will know best if its short or long term. As for your X and GF you can only go where your hart takes you but you need to talk long and hard with you x about why she dumpped you. She needs to know she has work at getting your trust back. You have girlfriend I would say dont cheat on her once you know here your feeling are then tell one or the other the truth that you can only be with one of them.


As for Uni you have got to get throw that so remember who ever your with has to let you work and put the time in, its yours and theres Futuer to do so.


Good Luck

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You're on the right path... you are doing the things you need to be doing to improve yourself as a person. As long as you stick to them things are going to get better. You seem to be getting in relationships that are bad deals... remember dating is suppose to be fun.


Just remember she is your ex-girlfriend twice removed for a reason.. For some reason I don't think the three times a charm rule is gonna work

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You're on the right path... you are doing the things you need to be doing to improve yourself as a person. As long as you stick to them things are going to get better. You seem to be getting in relationships that are bad deals... remember dating is suppose to be fun.


Just remember she is your ex-girlfriend twice removed for a reason.. For some reason I don't think the three times a charm rule is gonna work


lol. its odd, because I love this girl to death even still, and I would do anything for her and shes on my mind all the time.


My brain tells me that this would be extremly hard to work out, and we still play so many games with each others head and we dont even realize it. It will certainly be a confusing month for me, but I know one thing, Im not giving up my college career for anyone or anything. This is my last chance, and honestly after working some dead end jobs, I realize how important it is so I can do something that is fun and beneficial for the rest of my life.

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lol. its odd, because I love this girl to death even still, and I would do anything for her and shes on my mind all the time.


My brain tells me that this would be extremly hard to work out, and we still play so many games with each others head and we dont even realize it. It will certainly be a confusing month for me, but I know one thing, Im not giving up my college career for anyone or anything. This is my last chance, and honestly after working some dead end jobs, I realize how important it is so I can do something that is fun and beneficial for the rest of my life.


Haha I know exactly where you stand.. you are stuck in the middle of logic and emotion. I've had to make some "tough choices" in that situation but looking in retrospect after the emotions died down they were the easiest choices ever. Besides you have too many goals to be making decisions by rolling the emotional dice

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