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Last night I had this dream about my ex girlfriend that we bought a house and moved in together. It was so clear, so real... It was just really awful when I woke up and realised it wasn't real anymore! =(


What do you think dreaming something like this really means? The fact that we are moved in together means that something could happen later on down the track, or do you think I am just being a bit nieve and forget about the whole thing?


I forgot to mention just before I messaged her about the dream she sent me a text describing the exact same dream last night too. So essentially we both dreamed about the same thing on the same night... after all the time I have known her it was the same night, freaky?


What do you think?

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I don't really believe in the meaning of dreams. I've had some REALLY weird dreams. And yes, I've had a few eerily premonitory dreams. But I don't think that if you dream about a chicken mowing your backyard (yeah, had that one) that you're going to die or get lots of money or anything.


That being said, the fact that the two of you feel comfortable enough with each other to discuss dreams that cover subject matter normally uncomfortable to discuss between exes means that you have some sort of connection that you might want to explore. Why did you break up - is it irreparable? What'd she say when you told her about your dream?


I hope it comes true!

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That being said, the fact that the two of you feel comfortable enough with each other to discuss dreams that cover subject matter normally uncomfortable to discuss between exes means that you have some sort of connection that you might want to explore. Why did you break up - is it irreparable? What'd she say when you told her about your dream?


I hope it comes true!



hehe yeah, I don't really know why it happened, it just did! The relationship isn't really repairable at the moment as she has certain things she needs to sort out in her life first, we are just on basic speaking terms at the moment... I am having trouble dealing with that at the moment too. Just have to deal with it one step at a time I guess. Unless she comes round

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Oh man those dreams are terrible.


2 years later and i STILL get the "getting back together dreams". And they're still terrible to deal with. I even had them while i was with other girls after her.


In any case, my psychologist told me that there is a science behind dreams. and while symbolism does matter it's not in the sense that it has anything to do with forseeing the future.


Someone mentioned it was subconscious desires. This is more like it. It's more a reflection on yourself.


He told me every one in your dream represents a part of yourself, or a part of yourself during the time that you knew them. Afterall, any and all relationships are built on the influence that person has on you as a person right?


For example I told him about a dream that had to do with my ex and my family. In the dream my family was helping my ex without my knowledge, they were providing her with a house to stay in while she completed her degree. The circumstances remained constant to real life, ie. my ex nd i don't talk to eachother anymore.


So my psychologist said to me, whats the first word you think of to describe Kristen? I said fragile. He said what about your family? I said nurturing.


Then he told me that during the time when i was with her, we were both in an instable fragile state, the part of me she plays in my dream is my fragile and insecure side, and my family being nurtring, the dream means i know i can rely on my family to take care of me.


Just some food for thought.

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well after the breakup...I had this one dream I was walking to the gym and she came running up to me crying saying she made a mistake and she wanted me back. Like you it was so real...when I first woke up it felt for a moment like we were together again.

The night i started NC I told her I had this dream and said it would be a nightmare if it didnt come true. Still not sure if it will turn out to be a dream or a nightmare

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well after the breakup...I had this one dream I was walking to the gym and she came running up to me crying saying she made a mistake and she wanted me back. Like you it was so real...when I first woke up it felt for a moment like we were together again.

The night i started NC I told her I had this dream and said it would be a nightmare if it didnt come true. Still not sure if it will turn out to be a dream or a nightmare


When did that happen? How long have you been NC with your ex for?

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We took a break around the end of feb but i remember the date..march 1 was the call when we were just "seeing each other" not bf/gf. I had the dream near the end of march. We were together for just under a year. The dream actually motivated me to say either we try again as bf/gf because I cant just be your friend.

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I have them and its 13 years later, I hate the way they make me feel all day

Like am missing my soul. But I walk my self round and look at my life and think

Whats the point im just marking time until old age kills me or I work my self to death. Best you can do if you can not get over it or find some one to fill that hole in you hart. Me I have a garte wife so why still the dreams.


Good news it wile your asleep and in there lifes garte bad news is the get less and less over time.

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wow..i actually just had another dream last night..it was basically what I'd love to happen. Its like it was real. Somehow in the dream I was dropping stuff off to her and she started to give me attitude about me not contacting her and not needing her, So in the dream I said something along the lines of How did you expect me to respond? then some more words then basically it was like a makeup kiss with real intensity and passion ah...its got me thinking about her again. just had to write down some more thoughts. heh maybe I had a premonition

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Yeah, I had a dream about my ex too, about 4 days ago. In my dream we hadn't seen eachother for awhile and hadn't kissed in awhile. When I saw her, I gave her a long passionate kiss. The thing about our relationship was that I kissed her everyday I saw her except the very first day I met her. Then in my dream it fast forwarded to us having a baby together. I woke up in a cold sweat. It's been 3 months since I've seen her and 2 months since I've heard her voice. I do miss her badly. I wished so much for my dream to be true. I wish I could see her and kiss her again, forever...

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The point is everyone has these dreams about getting back together. Just like RayF's psychologist tells him, they are explainable even though we want to see them as 'signs' in cases lost relationships..


I forgot to mention just before I messaged her about the dream she sent me a text describing the exact same dream last night too. So essentially we both dreamed about the same thing on the same night... after all the time I have known her it was the same night, freaky?


Dude that definitely is strange! I have also had some 'signs' like these, though in real life.. (PM me if you want to elaborate further on this..)


I don't really know how to cope with them either..

I just think there's still hope for us, but I don't live my life by it.

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