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i am empty, yet overflowing with emotions


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i turn the water on so hot that it burns

my body soaks up the pain

i don't know what i'm hoping for

for it to burn away the memories of his fingertips on my skin?

or the thought of his fingertips on hers?

just one more thing to take it's turn at crushing my injured heart

i run the rajor up my legs

then turn it over to stare at the glittering blade

it would be so easy to cause great damage to myself

with one daring stroke against my wrist

i do not even have the strength

as i drop the razor,

to remind myself that i love life too much

to sacrifice it

even for those saving tears that i imagine being cried for me

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wow you need psychiatric help and fast, im serious, you are so mixed up here, why do you think people would cry for you cause you scratched up your leg or arm over stupidity, get real here, grow up, and get some help, tell your parents you need councelling and fast, no one wants a mixed up confused person, so get with it here, why do you think scaring up your body is attractive , cause its not, it only shows weakness, attention seeking, and someone who is so imature they dont know what they're doing, all i can say is you need help!!!!

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Hey, that was interesting. You've got some talent. I don't know everything that young ladies go through growing up. My ex gf had cut herself when she was young and she was also anorexic up until a about two years ago. She did get help but was too sick to seek it out for herself.


Unfortunately, I don't know if you want help or just want people to listen.


Anyway, she was so beautiful to me, I'd never understand why she'd think she wasn't. We never talked about it much. But she had the power to break a few hearts including mine and I'm 21.


EmptySoul keep writing, and don't forget go break a few of your own. You've got so much ahead of you, and never forget respect yourself. That's an important quality to maintain.

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thank you for the responses. honeydipped i just felt like i need to say that many times my poetry expresses what i feel for about 2 seconds lol. i have never cut myself, ever and i would never kill myself. if i am really mad i will just look at something like that, and think of what someone more frail mentally would do. i love my life tho, no matter what happens, and i am pretty much happy with myself and my appearance. i just wanted to mention this so you didnt think i was a suicidal nut. yes i felt what i wrote in my poem, i always do feel what i write, but my poem magnifies and exagerates what i feel. thanks 8)

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i didnt know it was poetry,sorry, i thought u were telling us u were going to cut up, i work with teenagers, and a lot of young girls do this for attention, and i thought u were one of them, ooops, lol sorry, but im glad u look beyond the pain of lifes mean little trials, take care, and good luck, debbie, oh yeah, keep that attitute, ull do ok,


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