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boy fancies me but i dont!

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i just wanted to ask you about something i am really worried and embarrassed about, right here goes.


i went to my sisters house a few days ago to see her and talk to her about Talia (my niece) giving her advice on child care as i do that and thought id help my sister out too.. coz thats the sorta gurl i am.. i like to help people out!

Right.. and we were just chatting a long and this guy (my sisters fionce's mate) was there and hes 20.. hes quite and acts sort of weird sometimes.. we were just having a good chat about everything as usual when i go to her house! We were just chatting noramlly i didnt lead anything on in my talking as the thing is i cant talk to this guy now coz my sister told me that he likes me alot but i just cant seem to have those feelings back for him.. so i said to my sis that i dont think i should go out with him coz hes not my type and now i feel quite mean and embarrassed when i go near him as caroline my sis said to me, "you know going out with a guy isnt just about looks you know" and i felt really bad coz she said that but i know it isnt but it wasnt just his looks, i cant go out with someone i dont like.. coz of course u have to feel attracted to the peron your with dont you?

And also i just think hes very lazy coz he doesnt work but he hangs with his friends all day smoking.. which of course i do not want in a realtionship!


i considered all of these things first coz then its best for what i want.. i also want to go to uni and i want a variety of realationships too before meeting my mr right.. i know i sound like a right slapper but i arnt i just feel i want to find the right person before settling down.


you do think i chose right dont you? and my sister wasnt right bout what she said. i hope i did.. i think so i am just worried incase he thinks im mean too.. i really arnt i just couldnt do that to him or myself.. i dont feel attracted to him!


well speak to you soon *hugs*


luv frankee x x

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Why would you let yourself engage into something or a situation or with a person you don't want to be in or be with in the first place? You have your own choice of free will, and if he is having a hard time with it, its his problem not yours. You can't warrent your life for that because you have your own life to live, and should carve your own path that you want to take in your life. There's 6 billion people on this world who all think different about you, and you can't make them all happy so you should just do that what you think is best for you without the non-sense of feeling guilty or something because your not guilty of anything. If people fall in love with you can you do something about that? Nope so just go your own way. I think i made my point clear by now.

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Hey, theres nothing wrong with not being attracted to a guy. There is no way that a can feel attraction for a person if there wasn't an initial attraction when you both met. Theres just nothing you can do, you can't make yourself like somebody when you don't. You have good intentions in mind when you said that you just want to be with a bunch of people before you decide who is Mr. Right. A lot of women can seem to get that. They try to make everyone they go out with seem like the perfect one that they will one day marry...

If this guy asks you about going out or something don't hurt his feelings, just say that it would be ok as long as its just friends. Good luck.

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yeah you did.. and it was a very good point! thank you! i will take your advice too in mind max.. thanks!


i know.. i shouldnt feel guilty i duno i just felt mean coz of what my sister said :S but i dont care.. i guess i can do what i want and when i want and i cant wait til i move to londo n i go to uni it will be really fun and i will feel my own indepedence with new people! and i can get out of the way of some weird people bugging me!

i just hope he doesnt start stalking me.. im sure he wont!


thanks again *hugs*

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That happens to me too.. Like, Idk if they consider it flirting, but I mean, I'm an overall very nice girl, and sometimes I wonder if they consider that flirting, being nice... And it's happened so many times... THen it's always the guys I like either won't ask me out or don't like me... It's annoying... Man... Lol

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A girl I know went on a mercy date w/ her best friends brother who liked her.


She said she didn't like him as a boyfriend type, it was just friends and he had a function to go to. I said watch out, that's usually when it happens....


Turns out she ended up really liking, then falling in love him when she saw a whole diff. side of him and they've been dating 6+ months now.

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