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How to save for future while in college? Or get a job straight out?

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For the past few days I've let this go through my head and even tried to type it several times, but I can't seem to get to the "point." Such as, what do I need help with, and what can be said any clearer than I already understand?


I am so discouraged at the fact that while in college, I can't exactly save for the future, particularly where my future starts out by paying off college.

I have so many expenses, from car insurance, student loans (some already), gas to get up on campus, supplies, and necessities. Just, all of that mess. Your typical college student.


And no time to make more than what can help me for now.


I think that what makes it even more discouraging is the uncertainties of getting a job straight from college in my field. It is a very competitive field, and I don't know if I'm cut out for what needs to be done initially, and am afraid of how long it will take. I'm great at what I do, but I'm afraid too of where I will stand in the beginning, and how much I'll make, and all of it. And I don't really know the answers to how long, how much (accurate ranges) and the real chances. I've heard 60% employment in the "design" field, (just to give a general overview of what I do without getting too personal online) but I don't know how true my sources are.

I've talked to as many people as I can to find out. I feel I've "done my homework," but can still do more, sure. Always room for more information.


With getting a job out of college, some make it seem hopeless (maybe to their own experiences or just people they know), some make it seem like winning the lottery, and some make it seem like what am I worrying about?


I guess I'm just continuing to 'grow up,' and this is me whining about how I don't like it...



Thanks for listening, and for whatever words of wisdom you can give.



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What year are you in college? Also, what type of field are you going into? You had mentioned "design". Have you thought about trying to get an internship through your university at a company? I know with some fields, like engineering and business majors, the university sponsors internship programs with different companies so you can get a foot in the door and see what that type of industry is like.

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I'm going to be a second semester Junior in the Fall, which I try to reassure myself "it's almost over" but it's set up so that I've got to sit through a 4 month long summer vacation next, and then take that last semester.

So it makes me feel like it's just forever ahead of me.


I've had a paid internship that lasted several months, and it was another part of my field but not what I was going for-- something to do just that: get my foot in the door and try other aspects of the field.


The problem with a lot of the internships, is that they are too far away and unpaid. I'm in too much debt and can't borrow any more than I am getting help with, so I can only get paid ones (to pay for the gas to get there, and to have a job in general as they take up a lot of time) which are very few. I haven't come accross one in a while that was paid.


I plan to do it next summer though while I'll have that last semester left and won't be strapped for too long. But until then, I feel so discouraged. That, and just the money situation in general. All of it. This summer I'm reduced to needing to apply for jobs which pay less than I've ever made because that's all that's available to me, and I need anything. I wish I had money.

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I feel your pain, stress, and everything. I'm your age, so I can't offer a lot of advice on how to shape your career and I'm trying my best to not borrow anything (taking semesters off if need be). But I can offer this: don't let it stress you out too much. I've found that when these types of things come up, they seem life-destroying, but generally things work out. Try to take it one step at a time and relax -- it'll work out!

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Thanks so much for those words, redandblack.


Until now, I've always tried to not worry about it, and cross the bridges when I come to them, but a lot of it too is the worry of too much time having passed for certain decisions. Recently I've been wondering if I should have figured things out sooner, or made other choices that could have helped, but even in that case I still don't know.


So many uncertainties...

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Recently I've been wondering if I should have figured things out sooner, or made other choices that could have helped, but even in that case I still don't know.


Although it's easy to get wraped up in thoughts about what you 'could' have done, that road really goes nowhere fast. It's impossible to know what truly could have been and what would have been. Try to stay out of the past right now. You sound smart and seem like you've got a good head on your shoulders. I'm sure you'll pull through everything just fine.

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As far as saving money goes...


There is a part in the bool "The Richest Man in Babylon" that says to ALWAYS pay your self first. It is your money you should have it. Take 10% of what ever you make and put it into savings. If you make $20 of something take at least 10% and save it. You will learn to live on less than you make, while saving.


take that for what you will. Good luck in all that you do.

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