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You are ALL right. I simply cannot be friends with my ex. Everything was going fine, we spoke a bit (only on MSN/text) then he just changed.


At our special school leaving dinner last night, we received the award for 'Ladies Man'. I was fine with that. Anyway, after the meal me and my friends went for a few drinks and i received a text from him saying "did you like my award then?" so i replied saying "yes welldone, that must mean you have a list, hope i'm high up on it" just joking around. He took what i said wrongly, thinking i was annoyed with him and he booted off saying i had ruined his night. I text him back saying i was only messing with him and to have a good night. He text me back saying "kk. do you want to come over for some fun tomorrow!". i was exteremly shocked.


I didn't reply, then about 2 mins later his ex before me, my friend came in and came straight up to me and showed me a message that our ex sent her, inviting her to his tomorrow aswell for a bit of "bump and grind" this annoyed us both a lot considering he is playing us both against each other. We hatched a plan to play him back, not sure if that is going ahead now.


Spoke to him briefly today telling him that i don't want us to be friends, we could be civil if we bumped into each other and that is it. I don't want to be unhappy any longer and do not just want to be his sex object.


I then deleted him from my MSN and my phone book again. I've finally come to my sense and realised what a utter pig he is. I can do soo much better!


Just a bit of a vent...i really dislike him! Thank god he didn't get to hurt me again!

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