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Hello, well I dont know if any of you have read about me and my story. I was with Nic for 11 months. He was everything to me, basicaly my life, my love, my passion. Well he left me after 11 months, because he need space and thought we should take a break. After that I screwed everything up. I caled constantly, begged and pleaded to get back with him. Well its been 6 months now, and I saw him today. Its like I wanna cry, because it hurts so bad, but crying doesnt seem to fit what I'm feeling. He couldnt look me in the eyes today, partly becuase he blew me off today, and because i think he cares about how much he hurt me, but doesnt wanna show it. He was my everything, my reason for living at one point, and I know God must have someone better for me, It just hurts so bad. He cared to, he really did, how can he just throw that away. How can he look at me and have no feeligns? how do i stop hurting. I have tried everything, getting out, making new friends, getting new hobbies, dating new guys, it just doesnt help. Its like a piece of me is gone and all those things are like band-aids, they cover it up on the outside, but still I have a gashing wound. Please Help Me!!!

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Hmmm....That puzzles me that he doesn't feel any pain after such a long relationship and a good one from what I hear. I know it's hard but he appears to have moved on so you should do the same. I know it's sound impossible but crying and wishing won't get him back and it won't solve any of your problems. I'm so sorry that this has happened to you. You now know why some ppl are afraid to love...But don't let this ruin your life. Love can sometimes be hurtful but it also can give you some of the best feelings of your life so don't give up on guys cause there's other ones out there, maybe you just haven't found the right ones yet - Don't let him hurt you, be strong!!! You should try talking to your best friend(s). Get rid of things that remind you of him. I know it's so very hard but it something you must do. I don't know if this will work for you, but I like writing poetry when I'm down and for some reason it helps me. Anyway, I hope you can find the strength to move on. I hope you feel better and I hope everything goes well.

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Unfortunately I think this is one of those things that it just takes time and over time doing new things and dating new guys will get easier. Ive been there and its taking me almost a year to stop hurting but still every now and then hurt pops up again. Dont push yourself to stop hurting it will stop in its own time. Embrace your emotions keep a diary of how you feel and over time you will see how much you have moved on.

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I am going through the exact same thing with my ex-fiance and it's been really tough. I begged and cried thinking that she'll see that my suicidal threats, pain, and suffering is proof that I'll never hurt her again. I kept pushing that but that doesn't how you would want to get someone back. I learned that you'll have to make sure that you're happy before EVER going into another relationship with or without that person. If he's worth the fight, then fight for your happiness. You can't have someone love you out of pity now. If he can't give you another try when you're happy THAN it's time to move on because he's not the person you thought he was. It's a win win situation. The relationship would be much more better once back together and you'll become stronger no matter what the outcome. Focus on being happy before talking to him again because he'll only bring back memories of hurt and sorrow. Cut him out of your life until you're happy.


BTW, I recommend watching Nodding Hill, My Best Friend's Wedding, Bridget Jone's Diary, and Sleepless in Seattle. Learn that you can find another better or how you can still find love with someone who comes close to what you saw as perfection. You'll learn that there can be more than one person in your heart.

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