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I am 15, almost 16. And that's a long time for our generation on Earth. But, in all of the years i've been alive, I have never had one single girlfriend. Sometimes I think it's because I might be ugly or something. I need help. I really want a girlfriend, but, I feel as if I am too ugly for anyone here at my school. Can you please help me. I have a full heart of love and never used at all...

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Well, you've left me with quite a few unaswered questions but in general, join the club. Most of us are or were in this situation at your age. Telling you this doesn't ease how you feel right now, so all I can do is make the following suggestions:


1) You don't need to be made of money, but make sure you're clothes are neat and clean.


2) Your toothbrush should be your best friend. Nothing will turn a girl off more than stained teeth and bad breath.


3) A little cologne goes a long way. Do, but don't overdo.


4) A shower every day. You're probably too young for beard or moustache problems, but keep it neat if you have facial hair.


5) Be yourself.


You'll be there eventually. Look the girl in the eyes. Be confident without being cocky. Be POLITE! I know the hormones are running wild, but it's not a race. Slow and steady will win out in the end.


BE respectful.

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The best advice I can give is to start looking somewhere else for dates. I always thought High school was not the best place to start relationships thanx to social politics and other crap like that. you will be more successful in college. I've seen guys from my school who couldn't get a girlfriend for the life of them, and now they're in college and just always surrounded by a posse of girls. I was quite shocked, actually. But there you go, it will happen for you eventually. i'm not saying you have to wait till college!


I think you need to get yourself out there, like join a youth group or something or get a job that demands from you to be social and work around a lot of people. It's even better if they're not kids from your school or anyone you know at all! You'll feel like a new person and it'll give you confidence to start over. You need to surround yourself with possibilities first, and something will happen for you.

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um just hang in there... it actually is not very uncommon to have never had a girlfriend by that age, even if you are good looking. obviously you don't have very high self esteem so we can assume that you haven't really 'tried' very hard to get a girlfriend. well the truth is, most girls are not going to approach you first. unfortunately the guy has to be the one to put him self on the line and risk rejection. and also, even if girls have been hinting to you that they like you, you may not have noticed because you are not confident.


just be patient, and heres a few tips to help you out:


1. BE CONFIDENT. I don't care if you have to fake it out of your ass. You MUST come off as confident. No matter what people tell you, girls are not as attracted to shy guys as confident ones. (the girls who only seem to like shy guys are attracted more to confident ones buy are just afraid of them, and thus see shy guys as easier targets)


2. Do not be too eager or wear your heart on your sleeve. You have to appear as a challenge. Don't spill your guts to girls, be reserved and find out about them instead. Don't come on too strong, take it slow and remember that even if you like a girl a LOT, you still want them to think that you will walk away and never look back if they treat you wrong.


3. Be funny! Witty remarks are your best weapon. And girls for some reason always think you are confident if you are funny. Everyone loves a smart ass


4. Take risks and recognize hints. Often a girl will like you but you will have no idea that they do. After I got out of highschool I was amazed to find out how many girls later told me they would have definitely dated me in high school. I had no idea. High school sucks because if you ask a girl out and get rejected everyone knows about it... but its not like that later. And while youre still in highschool maybe try to ask out girls who go to different schools.


5. And ofcourse work on your physical appearance. Try to dress nice (and I don't mean preppy necessarily) dress whatever style you like and find a look that you like. After all you want a girl who likes you for you, not because you dress preppy. But its always safer to be clean and well groomed. And you can't do anythign about your face, but you can work out and get a great body. That will help your confidence as well.


6. And DON'T be afraid of rejection. Its bound to happen. But if you don't try you'll never succeed. Risk ='s Reward. Even if you have to suffer the barbs of defeat a lot, the rewards are still worth it.


Hope that helps. Just be patient. I know lots of good looking guys who can get any girl they want and most of them didn't have a single girlfriend yet at your age.

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