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feeling trapped...

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ok, lately i have been dating a lot of different girls, having fun, trying to find a match. and i have completely enjoyed it, i am having a blast. but now the problem i am getting is that when i am stuck home with nothing to do, i get this feeling like i am trapped in my house, like i just need to get out of it. even when i am trying to sleep, i feel like i need to go outside and sleep in my car just to get out of my house. but this is not the case though, i am not trapped there, i get out a lot, especially lately, yet i still feel trapped at home. has anyone else ever had this feeling? how do i shake this feeling?

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Goodness, i can relate... I'm out for the semester, have been trying to find a job, and my car has been in the shop for the last 4-5 days.


Something I find helpful is exercising. It gets my mind off things and at night, leaves me feeling VERY tired, so i fall right to sleep. I remember having this same feeling though when i first went off to college. I would be out SO much that the nights I would have to take it easy, I just felt like a loser. I think it's because I went from extreme to extreme. I went from quitting a job, getting things in order to move, to meeting people left and right. It was liberating (and may have been a source of endorphins?). I would just try to level off.. Enjoy the nights you have to yourself, enjoy your nights out, but try to find something for yourself too... It keeps you more even-keeled. Take care!

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I know how you feel. There are days I feel stuck here in my apartment, but then there are days, I like being alone here in my place. When I get the itch to do things, I run my errands, or I drive up north of here to LA to see my family or my best friend. Or I just take a drive. Although, I should get into exercising. I am too sedentary for my own good.

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