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How do u know if a guy's gay or str8

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Well If you want to tell him that you like him he is going to find out that you are gay? Be happy with who you are. Dont hide from it. Come out and let the world know. Then you will find the people that will except you. I have 10 gay friends and they are my favorite people to hang out with. They love who they are and are not afraid to show it. Be that way and you will find someone.

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I've gone through the same thing as you twice; not sure whether a friend's straight or gay/bi. The first turned out to be straight, but the second time I was right. I've learned from it.


It's hard to see the difference but a good way is to talk about it with him. You can also try to find little things that make him different from other boys. And if you suspect him of probably liking you in that way, start looking for other hints. If he likes you in that way, he'd probably want to be close to you a lot, smile at you, or pay stuff for you when you're going somewhere etc.


I think you should tell him your secret first. It makes things a lot easier (and sharing deep secrets like this make friendships better!).


If he's a good (straight) friend, he won't mind if you are gay or not. True friends are always there for eachother no matter what, right? You being gay doesn't make you a less good friend. In case you're scared that he'll think you'll do 'disgusting' things with him, you should tell him that it won't change your behavior towards him. Besides, if you've found out that you're gay earlier, and you never did anything 'disgusting' before you told him, why would you do so now? Good straight friends probably won't understand what you see in boys, but they will understand and accept that you are gay.


If he's a good friend and also gay/bi, then it's also a very good step. If he knows that you are gay, it would be A LOT easier for him to admit it too. Why? Because he can be sure that you will respect it, because you're one of them yourself!


Telling him that you like him shouldn't be too hard. But I suggest you only tell him once you know that he's gay. Otherwise, he'll probably not like it. If he's a good friend you won't lose him after telling him you like him, but he'll probably feel uncomfortable about it.


Anyway, in short, what I'm saying is that you should first be open about your sexuality, and sure about his, before talking about liking him.


Good luck!

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