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No more Fighting

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Is there anyway to disconnect yourself from your parents fighting all the time?


Since my mom cheated on my dad all I have heard for 5 years is fighting. Today we are celebrating my Dads birthday as a family so all my sisters and brother are coming over. I have a feeling I am going to blow up. I cant stand watching my mom hurt my dad like this anymore.


Why wont he just kick her out? she flat out tells him that she dosent love him. She is like a leech and just takes and takes but just ends up hurting.


I love both my parents very much but I just cant stand watching them fight anymore. I want them to be happy. I think the only way they will be is if they split.

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Ah, I'm sorry you have to live with this! Its so unfair!!!


Divorce is a wonderful thing - sometimes!


My suggestion is to just be honest. Take them aside, without one another, and tell them how you feel. Tell them what the fighting does to your and your siblings. If you don't think the nice approach will work...next time they are going at each other - scream, get their attention, and tell them exactly what you told us.


If you hate each other so much, then just go your separate ways already! We (you and your siblings) are sick of listening to it - your hurting us by doing this!!! I can't listen anymore!!! For now own when you two fight, I'm leaving, I don't care if its in the middle of dinner, whatever, I don't care anymore!! I am NOT listening anymore!!!


And just walk out. Give them time to get themselves together and return after you have recovered from it.


I wish you luck and peace!!

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  • 3 months later...

I was in your situation not too long ago , and when I knew they were fighting or just ill towards one another .... it would kill me . Anyways , here is my idea , and I hope it works for you and your family's sake .


Talk to them individually , and tell them how you feel .

Ask them how they feel towards one another . If one replies with I couldn't care less about this relationship , then you simply ask why they are still committed to one another . Also , tell them that you and your siblings are tramatized of these ill fights , and that you want to see them happy , and if that means seperating ..... then so be it . You may be grown , but children COME first . I told that to my parents ... and it didnt end peacefully , but it ended in some way .


I hope you feel better hon ....

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