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Found an old crush on myspace...

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To make a long story short there was this girl that I worked with about three years ago and would always go out of her way to talk to me and would even go up to me and say "Poke" and poke me in the arm. I had a bit of a crush on her and wanted to ask her out, but she quit before I could get the guts to ask her out. Well today I'm on myspace searching for people and I think I may have found her. I'd like to email her to see if she remembers me or not, but not sure what to say exactly?


I don't want her to think I'm just some random guy trying to hit on her or some creep. I only say this because I'm not sure if she will remember who I am.

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So to keep it from being random, use that "Poke" thing back with her.


Or bring up work. If she remembers, she'll make a correlation to you, and it won't be some random guy.. You can hit on her after she realizes who it is.

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Yeah I think I'll use the Poke thing, i just hate to get my hopes up for nothing and she just deletes it. I know its reality and reality sometimes is horrible, but for once I'd like something to go right. Anyways I appreciate people's comments here.

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Make it funny and original. Try to get her number ASAP. After you get her number, wait a few days like 3. Then call her up, refer to a past situation, then say "How'd you like to go on a date with me, [Day=preferrably Mon-Thur], [time], at the Starbucks [location]?"


Good luck

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Well she was on myspace today and from the looks of it, just deleted it and moved on. She didn't even have the courtesy to respond back, not even a f off weirdo. Oh well, I guess I knew where that stands and I can close that chapter of my life. It sucks, but life will go on.

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  • 1 year later...

Wow funny reading this. The interesting thing is that the female in question I was talking about is now again working at the same place I am at.


It is hard to say if this is fate giving me another chance or just coincidence. I mean we have talked a few times, but I don't know if she remembers me or not. And it's never anything really special, jsut small talk or what she did over the weekend, etc.All I can say is those old feelings I had for her are starting to come back, but like the last time she has a boyfriend and again things don't seem to be going so well.


When we both work on the same day and have break about the same time, she tends to sit at the same table I am at. Means nothing, I know that, but I cannot help wonder what I should do exactly.

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I don't think there is any way to tell.



In regards to my comment, she did respond to my email about a month later. I think what happened or what does happen is that when you are online even if you are not logged onto myspace, myspace shows that you are online, but, I could be wrong.


Either way I don't think you can know if someone deletes your message, just if they read and replied to it. Sorry I can't be of any help.

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