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Just went on the first date with her..Now what?

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Well me and my co worker went on the first date sorta, weve met up at differnt places befor, but we went to see a movie for once so i consider it a date...


During the movie I would make comments about certain parts and she would giggle, she liked the movie alot as well. During the movie i also noticed her legs were slanted opposite direction of me on the chairs and she was kinda leaned towards me more, our shoulders were touching each other alot, i dont know if thats good or bad. But I did notice she would copy some of my movements hehe, i would put my hand on my chin to rest it, or i would cross my arms and she would semi mimic the positions after i did them.


I didnt ask her on another date that night, nor did i make any moves.. I really dont know if i should wait befor asking her out again, or ask her tomorrow befor work if she would like to meet up again some time? Im not sure.. Comments and advice would be greatly appreciated

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ServiceMan - sounds great! Leaning in, mimicking - all good signs.


I say a..... "hey, I had a great time the other nite" is in order. Send her a note, e-mail, whatever.


I'd wait a day ("A" day - 1) before asking her for a 2nd date, but I wouldn't wait long and I suggest asking again for sure!!

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ServiceMan - sounds great! Leaning in, mimicking - all good signs.


I say a..... "hey, I had a great time the other nite" is in order. Send her a note, e-mail, whatever.


I'd wait a day ("A" day - 1) before asking her for a 2nd date, but I wouldn't wait long and I suggest asking again for sure!!


yep i think she's right, a day or so, is plenty. good luck! the part you were saying about the legs leaning one way or the other, i'm always shifting in the movies, because i just get sore and also impatient! but she was leaning your way, so that's probably a good thing

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You need to get on this pronto before you ruin it. Go up to her with plans for a dinner or something similar and tell her, "Hey, you ready for a real date? I'm going to take you to ________ on Thursday, so dress nice! What time should I pick you up?" And by the end of that date, go for a kiss. I am serious. Quit farting around.

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Hey, yesterday in the car befor work (we always meet up befor we go to work for 30 mins) we talked about stuff and i brought up the next date.. I said so next week when are u available.. She said she doesnt know at the momment and she has alot of math work to do and she said she doesnt want to give me a date and her not be able to go again.. So i mean next week sometime i guess, i have no money now so i dont know what to do as a date haha...


ALso this saturday is prom for her and she is going with her exp boyfriend which they are friends but they broke up 3 weeks ago.. We will see how that goes

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