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To my first love....i lost him recently

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My lost love:


I cry everyday, everynight. Mornings are even worst. My love even though you are not around but I see you everywhere, i hear your voice everwhere, When i close my eyes i see Your geougeous eyes and face.


My love, you have chosen to be with someone else but i still miss you. I wish i could show you my heart how much i miss you. Every moment is like a year. My love You will never know someone cried so many tears for you, someone has spent hundereds of sleepless nights missing you. Someone is still praying for you.. that is true. From my heart I am praying for you.


I love you and i miss you, i can not forget you. I wonder if you ever think about me?


Oh God please take away this pain that is all i want, nothing more

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It is real pain to be in love with someone and they want to be with someone else. It's going through the whole grieving process. All I can say is, things will get better. Try to spend time with a friend or do something for youself. You deserve it.

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I'm in the same boat


take your time, heal for yourself...hit the gym, it's doing wonders for me, dropped my body fat to 10.1% today...six pack abs here I come.

do things for yourself, and you will feel better and more confident

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first love is very hard to get over with....


I know what it feels like....since i am going through it.


Feel the pain, hope you learned somethin from it.


Come back here & vent as much as you want.....things do get better at the end of it.

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I lost my first love to someone else after 14 years just three weeks ago...I feel everything you are feeling and more....I cannot offer you much advice as I also don't know where to turn/ what to do quite yet, but this community has helped me when I'm feeling the worst...keep reading and sharing (for hours if you need) and people will reach out and support you through....

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