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ok, heres the dealio. i met this girl about a month ago at a concert and we talked a lot and stuff...you know, well by the end of the night we were holding hands and beeing all flirty and stuff and i was happy as a clam. well the next day is were everything goes to ruin. it turns out this girl has a boyfriend. oh and i forgot to mention that this girl is *extremely* attractive and has a VERY good personality, and i know i should have dropped it right there but im an idiot so i decided to talk to her the next night. well, if i keep telling the story like this itll be a couple pages long so ill tell the short version. i see her a few more times and each time we get more and more *closer*, however whenever i try to talk to her about the obvious situation at hand...she kinda changes the subject. well i guess what im trying to say is. what the hell should i do, ive already developed VERY strong feelings for her and she tells me the same, and she tells me that she has stuff she has to tell me but she is still thinking over it. i feel like telling her "would you just hurry up and come to a conclusion already!!" but i want her to take her time so she can fully think it over but its been quite awhile since this whole thing started. i cant stop thinking about her and i just need to hear what someone thinks about it from the outside...well thanks for everyones advice!!

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Just plain out tell her that you have strong feelings for her. As long as she has a boyfriend you will not be able to continue flirting because the risk of her cheating on him may very well we a possibility. See what she has to say about it, but don't do anything that you wouldn't want ur girl doing with another guy... If that makes sense.

Basically, think about how her boyfriend would feel.


- ST

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Well the way i figure it. U can either tell her u got feelings for her (which may screw up ur relationship wif her or her bf's or both coz she might b confused then annoyed then pissed). Or u can hold it back if it's really obvious.


Another possiblity i see is just 2 b friends for now unless u don't wanna b anything else except bf/gf status.


Happy Heb

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Well definitely dont be the other guy. Tell her straight out that you like her and have feelings for her but as long as she is with her boyfriend you cant be anymore than just friends. Tell her to make a decision, this is fair because she does have to choose she cant have the both of you cause thats not fair on you and especially not fair on her poor innocent boyfriend who is probably delusional to the whole situation at hand.

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Actually, it depends on your age and how serious the girl is with her boyfriend.... I'm in the same situation. She flirted with me... she drew my interest out. Only later did I find out she has a boyfriend, I'm trying to be friends with her, give that a shot first maybe.... and see if having a relationship is worth wrecking the one she has with her boyfriend.

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