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ok.......since my last post. i just got back from meeting my ex-girlfriend. she broke it off about 4 months ago. we hadnt talked in almost 1-1/2 due to some not so nice rumors going around that she was cheating on me and seeing some guy. to make the long story short she contacted me acouple weeks ago to let me know absolutle none of it was true. they were friends...hung out....etc. anyway after acouple emails we decide we need to get together and talk about it all. i never knew at first why she broke it off......for awhile i did think it was because of the other guy.

i did know that soon after our break she started seeing a therapist.

today i got some answers about what happened and has been going on.

basically she got diagnosed with some kind of anxiety attack disorder and he also told her she had a drinking problem.......this all makes me so upset. this girl was the sun in my sky. she was always so happy but at the end i noticed a change. she told me she goes out everynight and gets drunk, goes to work hungover and does that all week. she said she needs to get out of her house so thats what she does. she told me that she broke it off because she knew i deserved better then what she was bringing to the relationship. i just dont understand. i told her that i just want her to be that happy person she once was but she seems to only want to continue on this destructive path shes taking. i need to express my love for this girl. im 26 years old been through enough relationships to know what love is. i expressed my concern for her. she told me she has and never will stop loving me. and that she wanted to be with me just not at this time(i agree that wouldnt be good aswell) but she ended it all with "for your sake i think you should move on". she said she didnt want me to but "for my sake". i didnt take this to well and really couldnt talk much more after this. the girl i want to help, love, marry, etc

is telling me to move on. why if she wanted to be with me would she risk me moving on? im extremely upset about this. i want to help this girl i love so bad but feel she is pushing me away. what does this all mean?

what should i do? i feel helpess and i just dont see moving on as an option. i want this to work out.i dont understand she has so much potential

and is so much more then what she is at this time. please help.....is there any help for her. what can i do? just be her friend? my feelings are just gowing wild need some guidance.

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Well, if this woman is in therapy and has decided that she is, in fact, an alcoholic...then she could very well be trying to protect you (probably because she loves you). Its also possible that, whether or not she loves you, she may feel that the relationship is just too much to deal with right now...with everything else she is dealing with.


I am truly sorry for this...but the regardless of which it might be, it really is better for you to move on...


I don't know whether you are capable of being just her friend, you need to decide that based on your feelings and expectations... Maybe she is not capable of being just yours.


But you NEED to let her go...she needs you to let her go to let her deal with her problems. And kudos to her for acknowledging them and wanting to fix them!!!! If you really, truly care for this girl, you will do just that.


If the two of you are able to remain friends while she works things out, that would be wonderful! I am sure she NEEDS a friend right now... But you must truly and honestly be SURE that you can be JUST her friend...that includes the possibility that she may work through some issues and discover that she in fact doesn't love you or she may fall in love with someone else along the way. You must be able to deal with that!


Think it through...

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this is so hard for me. i cant sit back as her friend and watch her self-destruct herself. nor can i walk away as i love her with all my heart.

i know she can only help herself. the feelings i have are aweful. we were bestfriends aswell. i want to be that but i just cant put my feelings aside and like i said sit back and watch.

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