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turn me on/orgasm

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hey i don't get turned on very easy and i've never had an orgasm before. my boyfriend & me have had dry sex, and even then i only get turned on to an extent. and my bf also fingered me, and i still didn't get turned on much.

my boyfriend has reached a point where he's gotten really hard before. but he can't seem to find a way to turn me on more. any suggestions for stuff he should try? what would make a girl orgasm for sure?

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Have you ever given yourself an orgasm? If not, I recommend you learn how to do that first, with your fingers for example on your clitoris or other friction.


Then teach him what you learned and show him what works for you.


You can't really expect a guy to give you an orgasm when you don't know how your own body works.


Also, if you are too worried about having an orgasm, and not enjoying the moment, you are less likely to have one because the stress actually inhibits the signals to your brain.

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I think RayKay gave you some great advice. Only you know how your own body works, so experimenting by yourself sounds like the best way to know what turns you on. Some women like penetration and can get an orgasm from that. The fact of the matter is, most women can not get an orgasm from just sex by penetration. A lot of women can only orgasm from clitoral stimulation. If you play on yourself and it's dry, try some lubricant. Lotions work well for this.

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There's nothing to plan, cuz it just happens! Plans don't work!!! It's supposed to be natural!


You will want to and he will want to and there is nothing dry about it!


Where do you think all of the unplanned pregnancies have come from for the past gazillion years.


Don't do it just to do it, since if it was meant to be, it's a mesh of body/soul and spirit and will just happen.


Hopefully you will think in advance about the possible ramifications if you don't protect yourselves.


STD's, Aids or unwanted pregnancy and then you're screwed for life!!!


Firstly, sex is just an act and people who truly "Make Love" are dedicated to each other, mind, body and soul and if responsible, have it figured out in advance.


I keep saying, self-esteem, self-respect, open communication, respect for each others values and a long term goal.


If it's a matter of just having an orgasm, there are many way's to do or pleasure yourself with a partner or not, without penitration from a male and you won't have a lifelong cross to bear.


Everyone needs a tension release once in awhile, but look at the futuristic "Big Picture" if actually you do have sex and what the consequences could be and if you could even "Handle It!!!!"


No child asks to be born, so think of their rights in the process of you just wanting to have some pleasure for yourself.


I really hope you think about this, because to me it sounds like you're not really ready, so don't let the bf or anyone pressure you, ok?




God Grant Me The Serenity To Accept The People I Cannot Change, The Courage To Change The One I Can and The Wisdom To Know It's Me!


Quote: "A Day You Don't Learn Anything New Is A Day Wasted! Lita~


God Grant Me The Serenity To Accept The People I Cannot Change, The Courage To Change The One I Can and The Wisdom To Know It's Me!


Quote: "Every Day You Don't Learn Something New Is A Day Wasted! Lita~

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Getting turned on for me has to start in my mind. Little touches and kisses, my wondering what is going to happen next. So start slow, tease each other for a while. And listen to RayKay, learn your body and then teach him.


Also, some sexy reading material might come in handy, if you like to read, or some sexy movies, hardcore porn or just some soft core love and sex stuff.


if all else fails. try toys.

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if all else fails. try toys.
i would have suggested trying that first. i know many girls who swear by their vibrators, and a few who won't leave the house without stuffing one into their purses (i almost misspelled that!)


lock your door, get comfy and think of something that turns you on. women who are physically unable to climax are very rare, and the odds of you never succeeding are almost nonexistent. once you have the first one, the mental pressure should be off.

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