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Should you care what others think?

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This is a question I've been asking myself for a the last few months.



I had a falling out with my 2 best friends earlier on this year. Now the two of them are friends with a new a bunch of girls at my school, and these girls are fairly nice and I used to hang out with them a bit. But lately I've noticed that these girls now seem kinda cold towards me and dont speak to me anywhere near as much. Now, this doesnt affect me a great deal, but I dont like the fact that these girls have ill feeling towards me, when I never did or said anything to them to hurt them. I'm almost certain that my 'ex' best friends have said something to them to make them feel this way.


So, back to my question, should I care what others think? Do YOU care what your peers think of you? I know this is a difficult question, I dont expect an exact answer, just some opinions.

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I don't really think it's a case of "Should" you care about what others think... the fact is everybody DOES care even to the smallest extent what people's opinion of you is. It really depends on what your feelings are towards them to how much you will let this really affect you in the long run.


Your situation is your ex-best friend, they are not there now with you for a reason. The only thing you should be worrying about is yourself, they aren't looking out for you so you have no obligation to either in return. I really don't believe you should be worrying about what they are thinking of you; does it really matter? What if they are thinking the worst? What good is that going to do for you? but this is to do with feelings as well which you can't really control...


My two cents...

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The older I get, the less I care...with a few exceptions.


I care what my husband thinks about me. To a small extent, I care what my employer thinks because I like getting a regular paycheck. Beyond that, other people's opinions aren't that important to me.


People are going to formulate opinions on things....even things that are none of their business or things they know nothing about...and they have a right to do that. I have a right to ignore them...and I exercise it quite frequently. At the end of the day, I have to be happy and at peace with myself, the actions I chose to take, and the decisions I chose to make. If I'm not happy and at peace with that, it wouldn't matter if everyone else I knew thought I did the right thing.


Now, this presupposes that you're basically a decent human being. If the actions you want to take include things like "killing someone" or "robbing a bank," you might want to re-think it. Basically, if you treat yourself and others with respect and don't intentionally harm others or their property just for the sake of harming them, you probably fall into the category of "decent human being."


I have a fondness for quotes, and I think this one applies:


"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." - Theodor Geisel (Dr. Seuss)

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i don't give that much thought or worry.. people perceive you as you are.. they can hear all kinds of things about you and if they don't know or see you, they may think it's true.. doesn't matter cause you don't know or see them.. the people around you should know how you are as a person and should make their own decision.. some don't.... those are weak people who will just go along with whatever the stronger person says even if they don't believe it deep down inside.. some people can be very jealous, nice to your face yet turn around and tell tall tales about you because they're jealous... girls can be wicked.... if they think you may get more attention than them or if they think your pretty or perfect in many ways.. they'll do what they can to bring you down below them to others... just to make themselves feel better or superior so others won't like you more or the same.. i feel bad for jealous people.


you just keep being the best person you can and don't worry about what they think.. one of those girls may have said things but one day the other girls will realized exactly what this girl is like. maybe she'll do it the them next if she finds someone liking them more than her. if you look close, you'll see she may have did the same thing to another before you.... other times a girl will tell tall tales because she is still very immature and had a hard life growing up.. which can cause some mental problems deep within and it's not totally her fault why and how much she lies. it's because of all the abuse they suffered growing up.. it does affect the grown adult.


when girls are jealous as kids and stop talking to you or make fun of you for no good reason, its because they wish they were like you, they wish they had the mother you did or clothes you have.. when your older they wish they had the life you have... could be a good job, own a house, have some money and/or a normal family. however, i believe the root of the problem why people are like this.......is because of how they were brought up.


something will happen in the future to them that will be pay back enough for what they said about you.. this something may not have anything to do with you but what goes around, comes around. keep your chin up and be strong.. do only what you believe to be right. don't let anyone talk you into doing or saying anything you don't want..


this is the reason some girls hang out with guys and have a male best friend.. they don't get jealous cause you look hot that day or because your mother was such a great person and theirs wasn't... however, this can become a problem because some will fall for you... but they wouldn't bad mouth you like the girls... only a very few males are like that and you can normally pick them out.. they talk and act like a woman...too much into gossip

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