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The Dramatic Conclusion, my "shy guy" saga....

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Was he shy? No not at all. But did he want me? Yes... badly....


I didn't say anything to him the last day I saw him, but I still neede closure so I wrote him an email. Since everyone who goes to the college is assigned one, I sent one to his, probably shuold have done that earlier, would have saved aggravation and heart ache, but anyways I told him how I apologize for not speaking with him after the note, and how it was hard for me, all that jazz. A nice lovely letter.


He wrote back saying... How he should have told me sooner, but he has a girlfriend. He said "the fact is I live with her... I think you are very pretty and I would date

you in a heartbeat, if only I were single. I have often thought about

how good it would feel to hold your body against mine and other stuff, im flattered that you want me....keep in touch."


So basically he was preventing himself from doing something badd if you know what I mean. The look in his eyes was basically staring at someone he couldn't be with, and having thoughts about someone other than his girlfriend. I guess he didn't tell me because he didn't want to hurt me. Although if he didnt look at me the way he did in the first place, I wouldn't have tried to express my attraction, I only wanted to be his friend at first, and I would have found out eventually about his gf, but I didn' want to find out like THIS. Now to be friends with him would be awkward because of the latent feelings behind the friendly "hello's". It wouldn't be right to continually be exposed to the person who makes you think of thoughts of intimacy other than his girlfriend.


I was heartbroken, but I'm much better now, this happened on Monday . So I'm over it. At least I can move on now with closure

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This doesnt sound like a very appropriate email to you. Guy sounds on the edge of cheating on his girlfriend.


You shouldnt continue on emailing him or anything like that 'keeping in touch' he sounds like a dog.. move on and look for someone who is available. Good thing you say that your over it.

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does his gf know? probably not, will i keep in touch? probably not, I wanted to at first, but now im thinking its not a good idea. but i may see him around campus in the summer, i dunno. if you've read my previous posts about whats been going on, its pretty self explanatory. But yea I deffinatley saw him a LOT differently after the email. Sooo what I didn't expect.

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