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I think today is what we call a bad day, I have a date that I am trying to be happy for but all I can think about is him, and how he's getting along and how this guy is not him. But when I think about it more, thank god he's not him! I just feel like crying. I guess it's because yesterday at work, my boss told me about a promotion that I am up for has been postponed for a few weeks, if I get it at all. It's just very upsetting cause I work my butt off at work and never seem to be rewareded. This has to do with him cause it makes me think "where's my good karma for putting up with his crap and being lied to and where is his bad karma for being such a jerk to someone that had feelings for him?" I know I shouldn't think that but I do. AHhh I'm so confused! But I guess not as confused about my ex who gets to think of me, the one that got away! And the reasons why I am gone are strictly because of his actions, talk about guilt. But maybe I'm wrong maybe he doesn't even give a crap, he sure didn't when he told me he slept with his ex. WILL IT EVER END, I just want to be back to the old me, whoever that is!

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LOL he will go through so much s... for what he has done to you. And you will get something good out of all of this. You have too. Youve been through so much that isnt your fault. But these things happen for a reason ... Somehow you will/have learn/t something from all of this, even if its something small. And dont stress about the job ... That has happened for a reason aswell. Smile and keep your chin up.

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I know how you feel....I recently got burned, bad. And it seems like every time I turn around something else goes wrong, and he is just carrying along, happy as can be, not even concerned that he ripped my heart out.


But I try my best to focus on the good in my life, & though it may not be very helpful-things could always be worse. I'm alive, healthy, have a roof over my head, and there are others who truly care about me even if he doesn't.


Hang in there, I'm tyring to. It has to get easier.

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I so feel the same. It seems like the ex just gets everything he wants on a silver plate. He doesn't miss me. He doesn't have any regrets. He just moves on and his life is perfect. Where as mine feels like it is falling apart.


But, I try to think (and you should to) that he WILL get what is coming to him. One day. You won't be around to see it, but he will. He will get hurt by someone. Or he won't be able to have who he wants because they see right through him. Or he will never be happy because he can't be honest.


I have already had one small taste of it. My ex went for a promotion at work and didn't get it. I was HAPPY. Isn't that horrid?


And even if things do work out for them, they do not have US, and we are the best. THEY are the ones that miss out on what we have to offer. They are the ones that have to live with themselves and their behaviour.

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