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So my roomate sent him an email with a list of the rest of my stuff to pick up, he calls yesterday and says tonight would be best but tomorrow would work too, I don't have any plans, she went over last night and got my stuff, he doesn't say anything and is nice(probably because she knows everthing that went on) so I am looking through my recipies and he puts this newsletter with info on a guy I work with (he's a councelman in the town I live in) why?! Why be such a coward, why am I so upset after getting my stuff? It put me back to square one, my roomate was telling me that this isnt a pity party and not to be immature about it and she's right, but it's like I'm not in my right mind, I get thrown off course so easily, why when he was a jerk and hurt me?? I don't get it! I wish I could just feel better and not care and think about him anymore! And wonder what is going on with him ahhhhhhh!

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thegoodgirl - wow - your flatmate was a bit harsh, wasn't she?


I mean, you're going thru a tough time. Allow yourself that. Sheesh


You can feel sad for a while. You get in to trouble when it hinders you from moving on. Get frustrated, be sad and have a good cry. DON'T go getting all liquored up and having casual sex, that won't help anything. But have a pity party.


You'll be OK in time.

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Hey there,


Read your post and soooo feel your pain! I know what you mean about going back to square one. I am at that point too, having spoken to my ex yesterday on the phone about flat stuff (our landlord is being an a*se). And I know what you mean about holding on to the hope. I do the same. Even though, when I think about it, even if he came back and begged me now, I'm not sure it would be the right thing to do. His personality does not suit mine, and we are probably just not meant to be.


But that doesn't mean I don't think about him, miss him, wish we could be together again. I think your friend was really harsh. I have one of those friends too, who thinks it is helpful to make sure you are constantly getting "reality checks".


I think it is okay to be upset about getting your stuff. It is okay to have hope. These things are all normal. I don't blame myself anymore for feeling bad, or upset, even though I'm sure lots of people think I should just get over it, and that i can do better.


I hope you are feeling a bit better now. TAke care of yourself, and maybe go out and do something just for you. I am treating myself to a massage tomorrow.

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again??? This time i know its the same guy!!! ... NOOOOO! ive had enough of this guy and i dont even know him LOL. jks. GoodGirl, It takes time to get over people you have once loved and still love. You will have these feelings as ive once said before. But you are getting better. You have to be. Looking at your past posts compared to this one, there is nowhere near as much emotion (pain, teariness,etc) as there is your old ones. This is good. You have gripped the fact that you too are no longer a couple and that is step one. Just remember these feelings are absolutely normal!!! Especially after guys like this. Your more upset now (since you got your stuff) because they were at his place... werent they? You remember seeing them there, being there with you when you were there with him! correct? Keep telling yourself "I will get through this" and you will make it through. Be positive and believe in yourself and you can do almost anything!


GoodLuck once again,

Love SL.

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