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okay, so my girlfriend and I have been having sexd for almost 3 months now. We are both reallyl open with eachother about talking about it, telling eachother what feels good, and what we like. We have a very strong and open relationship.


But something was brought to my attention.


She is my first girlfriend that I've been sexual active with, so I'm still kind fo new to certain things, I mean all of us have a thing or two to learn.

So my girlfriend brought to my attention that she has never completely "finished me"...I always thought that she was. I mean I climax and I litterally in the end buckle you could say...but she says that it's too intense for me and I just "think" that I'm done, when I'm not. =S


So I'm wondering if that's the case that it's "too intense" for me...or what?


I'm just an inquiering mind and would like to hear some other points of views.


Feel free to ask questions if it'll help with responses.




~ some_unknown

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From what some women on here have posted about multiple orgasms, it sounds like for some it may be too sensitive in the clitoral region for them to endure multiples.


It sounds like you are getting your rocks off and enjoying it. The most important part is that you are enjoying each other. I don't understand what the problem is and it sounds like you don't either.

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