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Dreaming about Ex-Girlfriend

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I don't really know if this pertains to breaking up, but I'll give it a shot... My ex-girlfriend and I broke up almost a year ago shes moved on to another guy, and I have pretty much gotten over her... but for the past few weeks I have been having dreams about her almost every night, I really don't know why all of a sudden this is happening... could someone help me out please.

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Maybe you're missing her companionship as a person a bit? Hey, there must have been good times and good feelings at some point...


like iamateddybear said, these things are weird and can come up years later.


on occasion, i still have my first love pop up in a dream. Mostly we just chat and he tells me how great I'm doing. They're nice dreams.

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This is the things I love about this forum, I think something weird has been happening to me and someone starts a thread about it..way cool.


This girl blew me off for her ex and it's been 8 months since I have seen her and I try to ignore her. It broke my heart when I knew she was seeing him and it's taking me all this time to make some progress. The horrible haunting dreams with her talking to other guys infront of me stopped.


Then just last night I had a dream. I was at this max stop by the school we went to together. SInce she still goes there i was just waiting there. As all the kids were walking from getting out of school this CONCRETE parking stucture is burning accross from the max and the fire department is organizing the lines to get people on the max.


Then they let two people on at a time, and me and the girl got on because we were paired in the line. We talked and laughed and joked like we used to making fun of each other playfully. It was great then I wake up and realize she is gone, and it actually doesn't hurt that much. I just miss her, and miss how she used to hug me so tight and say she loved me. After every dream though, it hurts less and less..and I get the things that I miss about her out of my mind.


Dreams and crying are part of the healing process. No worries it's all good.

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i hear you man, i'm gong through the same process. funny how at times dreams represent what we're going through. but at the same time the represent what the future has in store for us. but remember, dreams are dreams, they're not reality. Unlike your dreams, in reality you have the power to create your own future. take care man.

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I hope that dreaming of her is helping me get over her, for the most part I am totally over her, its just im 17 and she was my first love so its always gonna stick in the back of my head of when we were together and stuff like that. On a second note I don't think its healthy that i still want to beat up her new boyfriend lol, whos a total downgrade for me, because the kid dropped out of highschool, hes a wigger, and he does ballet I really don't understand how the two go hand in hand but it just makes me mad that she would dump me for such a loser, who has nothing going for him, and let me remind you this girl goes to a rich private school and isnt a * * * * or anything, its crazy.

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Hi bro,


I am not religious, but tried when I went out with my ex. I had the same thing happen. Maybe it is a sign of closure. I just wrote my ex after four months and it was pretty cool. If you ex was a good person, then maybe it is part of your closure. It is possible to tell someone that you love that you appreciated their friendship. I hope that you are where I am. I love my ex, but I have moved on and miss her friendship. Maybe you are both meant to be friends, if it does not cause you bad feelings. I tried it today and if felt pretty good. yes, I still love her, but I have moved on and just miss her friendship. If you are going out and having fun, then maybe this is a part of your closure. I hope so. It was hard for me, but it felt pretty good. Always deny what your are feeling, but sometimes you have to follow yoru heart as long as it is right. I decided after a few weeks that I want my ex in my life. It will only be every six months, but I still want to be friends. Just decide what works for you.

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