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So, so, SO confused...

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Well, like I said, we live 200 miles apart (a little over a 3 hour drive).


We can see each other for weeks at a time this summer because

1) No school=more free time.

2) We both make 3,000+ dollars a month (which is pretty good for two 16 year olds) so we have the money to travel, stay at hotels, or whatever.

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ahh I'm sorry. I didn't see that part.


I can believe it. I bring in like 300-400 a day if I work all day and about 150-250 for just a dinner shift on a good night.


My question about that part was supposed to be like how do you parent's let you do that? lol my parents would probably let me do it now but before I got pregnant, they would have never let me spend the night with a guy.

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Our parents are both pretty protective, so they're over our shoulders like crazy when we're together around them. But, they understand what we're going through so they would let us stay together for a few days (a week might have been an exaggeration, but it's possible...)as long as we slept in separate rooms, and everything.

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Don't worry so much. You are a woman so you are allowed to go through irrational mood swings. Almost every month, about a week before having my period, I can feel so devestated and angry for no good reason at all. I once read a story about a woman who got home from the shop and discovered that she accidently bought a squared notebook instead of the ruled notebook that she wanted. As silly as it seems, this made her cry her heart out... Maybe you are going through a similar mood, and if so, first have a good cry and then do something to spoil yourself extra.


Another issue that might be playing here is that you have been looking forward to this time so much. Maybe the reality is a bit different from what you had in mind. But that does not mean that it is not going to be great!


Take care of yourself. You are going to be fine.

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