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i think im gonna go crazy with this woman in my life..

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I have only two friends in my life...One of them is this two-faced girl and she goes around ganging up with other girls against me. I'm a shy person and many people have told me to make friends with other people but i just can't, my only way of letting go my anger is through here. Now even my other/best friend have betrayed me..what should i do? I feel so angry with her!

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Hi There !


You need to get yourself some friend that appreciate you - not people who make you feel low about yourself. That is not friendship. I'm sure you have interests that you could persue - clubs that you could join and new friend there that you could meet !! The sooner you stop hanging around with the girls who don't care about you, the sooner you will find good friends that do!!!


Good Luck,



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I have to agree, ...sometimes we have to re~evaluate weather or not this friendship is worth holding onto. Im sure all of us want friends that we know will be in our corners during difficult times and have our backs, NOT turn on us like that. Friendships are not meant to be this painful, but definitely something to cherish. We grow to know when our friends are sad, down and simply not being themselves. A good friend will always step in with comfort & encouragement thru hard times and be there with us until the end...some may even give up their lives out of the sake of love 4 their friends...


I hate to see u goin thru this, because i've had to separate myself from old friends that have backstabbed me, and just used my friendship to get thing because I am a giving person. That was pretty painful walking away from them, but I wasnt growing, now was the friendship nourishing to me..it was tearing me down...besides, I dont like the feeling of being used, abused or talked about from a person claiming to be my friend.


The depths of their friendship shows in how ur being treated and the level of respect will show as well. There are alot of ppl out there that have alot in common as u as well, and I would always encourage someone to find friends that cherish and love you just as you deserve. We all deserve to be happy, and theres nothing that makes me happier than being able to sumday pick up the phone and call up more ppl that i consider real "Friends"...



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I have noticed that as you go through life, you find that there are people who will be your "friend" that you will eventually have to stop seeing. As you get older, you tend to tolerate these people less and less - it's just the way it is.


Regarding your tests - I would not let this girl copy from you in exams - infact, I would never let anyone copy from me in an exam. If the teachers see the two papers looking the same you will have problems and you have no reasons to put yourself in that position. It is very rude to start to copy off someone in tests - and you must let this girl know you won't let it happen anymore - tell her the teacher has spoken to you about it and suspects that there is copying - and tell her then that you are not willing to take the risk !!! If she still wants to copy, then just cover your paper with your arm and block her line of sight. I would think that this is better than getting caught !!!!!


Good Luck



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