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Thank you all for your helpful replies.

Im mainly getting this off my chest so I can fully move on, but it still really hurts.

I think my ex may not really respect women. He sometimes refers to women as "wh***s" and he has even been disrespected those related to him.


Well, the other night, when I was upset about something, he said, "YOU ARE JUST LIKE ALL OTHER WOMEN." That really hurt me. Do normal men say stuff like that?


He is still ignoring me, and that is helping me move on, but I am still so angry that he did all this to me.


I wonder if his next girl will be treated the same. Im sorry to keep posting, but im so angry right now...


I am strong, but it still hurts

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From reading your previous posts about him he's definitely not a NORMAL man. He's mentally and verbally abusive and him saying things to hurt you is just his way of trying to still control your emotions.


Of course you're angry, you have every right to be. Focus on your anger for the way he's treated you by ignoring HIM. I know there's probably a million things you want to say to him, questions you want to ask him. But he's not going to give you the answers you need or the closure that you need. You have to give it to yourself.


I know exactly how you are feeling right now, I'm battleing that same pain.


Good luck, stay strong

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Your ex is a complete jerk. Honestly, I would never trust a man whom "hates women". That's a giant red flag right there, that he will never see you as an equal partner and will often turn against you.


I can guarantee he would do the same to any other woman he is with.


No, it is not normal to feel that way, even if you have been hurt. He is controlling and vicious. Of course you are angry, use that anger to move on though. You deserve SO much better.

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Guaranteed that he will treat his next woman the exact same way. There is nothing wrong with you. It's all him, I can guarantee that.


You need to start going for support: counseling, group meet ups, etc if you can. Lack of support is what keeps you going back because you feel alone. It's much worse to be alone by yourself than with someone else. Remember that!


And no normal man hits, fights, screams and loses it over nothing. He's sick!


You will be ok, it's just a matter of time and strength

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Thanks everyone! Thats all i needed. I need some reassurance sometimes, because as strange as it sounds, I miss him and love him dearly but know I can't ever go back again due to his behavior.


I will move on without him one day at a time. It feels good not being yelled at though. =)

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Ugg. My ex called me with a private # today, guess he was at work, and I answered unknowingly.


He was really abrubt, and asked me if I had seen his license. I said I had not been to his house since Sunday, so how could i have seen it. He was SO rude after I said that, talking to me like a child, and said, "while you were cleaning up, did you see my id!!?" I said no, and he said, "ok call you later...." click.


He hung up on me. He called me back about 45 min later, but didn't leave a message. What an a***! That made me so angry!

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