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Do I have a right to be upset??

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Obviously I have the RIGHT to be upset, especially since I am, but just wanted to hear what others thought of this and if there is a correct way to handle it.


A quick background. I work very part time and I work from home so I feel sort of out of the loop on normal office goings ons.


I recently worked with a co-worker on a project where in I feel I did most of the "work."


First of all, it took FOREVER for her to get started. But when she did, she did most of the collecting. I did the compiling and presenting. In total, I spent about 4 hours on the whole deal, she spent about an hour.


I "feel" like I did most of the work but the credit is shared. Which I am normally ok with, we've done it before her and I, but this time I feel less willing to share.


Anyway, I asked her to review the write up, let me know what she thought and then we would collectively turn it in since it was a collaborative effort. (and I use collaborative loosely)


So after and entire day of no word back from her, I turned it in. I told our boss that if my co-worker had any additions I would pass them on.


THEN - I get an e-mail from my boss saying, "hey, did you get those comments from Sue because I did, here they are." And my boss forwarded the e-mail Sue had sent her, on to me.


Sue's comments were, "here's are MY revisons, Ta_ree_saw might want to send hers to you as well."


What the ??? Did I miss something? I have no idea what she was thinking or why she decided to not respond to me but by-passed me instead.


Maybe I was being too controlling? Maybe she was feeling the same way? That she did most of the work?


Either way, I'm frustrated.


I didn't say anything to her OR our boss but I am frustrated and hesitiant to work with her again.


Any suggestions, comments?? All are appreciated.

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it seems kind of weird that she submitted a DRAFT to your boss, without first going over revisions with you. It may actually be a simple oversight, things like this do happen at offices all the time, with no ill will. However, you may wish to question her as to why she sent the draft to your boss without first collaborating and finishing the project with you, and ask if that's the usual way to do things, because you didn't think so. Good luck.

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