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i don't know why but i can't get over my "jerk" ex boyfriend

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do you think it's harder to get over someone that has treated you badly vs someone that has treated you good? i keep asking myself why i got treated so bad, or what i did wrong or why didn't he like me as much as i liked him? i know i shouldn't even care but i do. because i cannot understand why he treated me they way he did. and why did i let all the good guys go to stay with a jerk like him? and it's been several months since i broke up with him but i still look at my phone to see if he called. why do i do this? and sometimes i call him and *67 so he doesn't know that it's me calling. just so i can hear his voice. and i wish that he would sound miserable because i left him. but he doesn't sound miserable at all.

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I think its more to do with the human nature. We desire what we cant have and also because the thing that got away has more value then the one you let go.


So in short i dont think that you miss your ex cause he was bad to you but because he got away. You miss what you cant have and you what him to want you because of that.

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That's perfectly normal. That guy was a big part of your life, no matter how he treated you. You had feelings for him.


Even though he wasn't a good guy, you still cared about him. And that's completely normal. You were strong enough to realize that you deserved better.


You just have to get over him, just as anybody would have to get over someone they loved and cared about.

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