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Hi all, I have been here on this site almost daily for support because the pain of this break up can be unbareable sometimes and I do feel alone in all this, my prayers are with all of you. Once again I need some advice. This is my origional story:




All this happened about two months ago and I am nowhere near over her or what I thought could have been. I am still in love with her and I still want her back. However, there has been no contact from her or me since the day she dumped me. It was very sudden and I saw no warning signs. I have really strugled with trying to not contact her, it has been very hard but, she did leave me and what could I really say to change things so, I stayed away and tried to move on. As you can tell I have not moved on. Here is what I need some advice on: when I was with her I had written some poems I wanted to give her but, it seemed too soon to give her poems about how I really felt in my heart so I kept them, we broke up before I ever gave one to her. Now that it is over and gone I feel like I have nothing to loose by giving her one, but I may look like a complete fool by giving a love poem to someone who dumped me. I don't want to loose all my dignity and look like a chump, I just don't know anymore. This is the email I was going to send:


Hi xxxx, long time no talk. I am writing you because back when you and I were hanging out, I had written some poems and other misc. stuff. Some of it I had wrote at your house late at night, remember the disappearing beer??

Anyway, one of the poems I wrote I had always wanted to give you but,

things ended so fast I never got the chance to. I still think you should have it regardless of what happened, because how many poems have anyone ever

written you? Most women never get a poem except for maybe one on a Hallmark card and those are usually lame, this one was written about you. Write me back if you want it, take care


Does this sound pathetic? should I even email her or just send the poem to her? any sudgestions would help, thank for listening


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I remember your original post and I think you got very harsh treatment from your ex. It's been 6 weeks now and no contact? I'd let it go. Reality is she possibly won't even read to poems anyway and in my opinion she does not deserve them in the first place.

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Hey buddy!! Whatever you do don't send those emails or the poems I tried that & it only made things worse . It wasn't until I let her have some space, I.e. a week did she respond to me without any nudging from me. let it alone for now. Its very hard I know I'm in your shoes but we can do this!! Its our ONLY hope of getting them back!! Take care

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