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Woked together today?? pretty good, I think


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I have been trying to figure out if this guy likes me. I have posted a few things on here recently to try and get advice about this. Well today, we actually worked together for the first time in a few months, he usually works a different shift than what I do but there has been some changes at our work so he was put on my shift. Anyway, first thing this morning I couldn't even say good morning to the guy but eventually after a while I finally did and it broke the ice. We saw each other very early on in the morning but neither one of us said anything to the other person. Well after I finally said good morning to him things seemed to pick up from there. Whenever I wasn't doing anything he would come overr to me and we would start talking a little bit and then some other people would join in. One time he came over to me and didn't say anything just looked at me in the eye and I said "what?" he said "nothing" and just kind of grinned a very small grin but then he got called away, and after that we just talked normal, but of course there was always someone with us while we were talking. Are these good things?? I think the little grin is really good? Maybe he knows that I like him and is just feeding his ego as well? In that case it would be bad? What do you guys think??

I'm trying to take thing slow to get to know him better and see if I really do like him or if it is just a passing thing. We work together so I want to be sure on way or the other instead of just jumping in.

Any advice would be great!!!

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because guys don't understand subtle woman signs.


Most men don't understand women full stop



I think this guy you like obviously likes you back, and is trying to communicate these feelings back through emotions like the grins. I think you should try and hint a bit more that you like him and let him come to you. I really don't like the woman asking the guy out but I'm a little old fashioned, and especially proposing but thats not the case here

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What are some things that I can do to let him know? Subtle hints may not be working on him. I smile at him alot and I am always interested in what he has to say. I am old fashion as well, I think that the guy should ask out the girl, but in todays world if you don't jump some one else will. I think that we just feeling each other out, but I want to get past this point but I just can't get up the nerve to ask him out.

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I have known him for about a year but he has worked the opposite shift from me, so I would normally only see him a couple of minutes during the day, an hour at the most. Makes it hard to get to know him. A group from work went out a couple of weeks ago and he was there but he didn't stay very long and other people were talking to him pretty much the entire time but when he did talk to the group he would always make eye contact with me. He will be working with me a few more days this week, don't know about next week yet. I am hoping that he will be working with me alot more so I can get to know him a little better and drop a few more hints, as soon as I find out what hints to give.

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Some things have happened over the past week or so with the guy I like. He has continued to work my shift last week and also this week. I have picked up the flirting a little bit more. Last week, I was having lunch and he came into the room where I was and did some paperwork but only until I left and then he left soon after and this happened on my second break as well. Our work needed someone to stay a few extra hours to help out and he asked if I could stay and I told him I needed to check something, well I was able to stay and then he asked me how long could I stay and I told him a couple of hours and he said you can stay until 8, I am staying until 8. Then the other day I was relaxing in room on my break and he was working on the computer and the light was on but I had put my head down to rest and he mentioned I could turn the lights off but I told him no, coz I didn't want to hurt his eyes while he was looking at the computer and he said I'll turn the lights off and he did. Also the other day our superiors had made a comment I was in an area I should not have been in and he stuck up for me, which I thought was cool. I was walking in a back room drinking some water and he side stepped infront of me to joke with me for a second and then he left. Why not just joke in passing, why the side step in front of me? He was pretty close to me as well(face to face). One of my friends was talking to me and he walked in and she said "I'm talking to my girlfriend, do you have a problem with that" and he said yes. I believe that these are excellent signs. Right???


I have mentioned to a friend of mine that I believe he figured out that I am the one who has a crush on him and she said that it was not a very good idea. I don't get that. Why would she not want me to let him know that I like him?

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