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oh, ok. yeah, i understand that acetaminophen (tylenol) in large quantities can really mess up your liver and even croak ya, but if it was a few years ago and you have no symptoms like pain on your right side or brown pee then i wouldn't worry much. especially since you don't drink, smoke or shoot yourself in the gut, lol.

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A few years ago I was taking 20-30 Tylenol at a time. Did it around 15 times. It never made me pass out or puke or anything, but I'd walk around with baaaaaaaad tummy aches.


I don't drink or smoke..... or use firearms haha. So I'm good in that department.

20-30 and you never passed out or puked or anything worse than a tummy ache??? 13 of those things knocks me out, the last time i took more than 20, i was unconscious for 15 hours. the last time i took more than 30 i ended up in the hospital. you got off lucky, if that's all you got from all those pills.. but um.. i guess you already know that messing around with pills like that is a bad idea..

i wouldn't worry too much about liver damage if it's been a few years since you did that, you don't drink or smoke or anything like that, and you haven't had any serious problems yet. young bodies heal themselves amazingly well.

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I would still recommend a blood test for a liver enzyme count, allthough the liver is an amazing organ and you don't seem to put stress on it. Because of the regenerative nature of the liver, it can take time for fat/scar tissue to

become symptomatic. I may just be paranoid, as i had a 17 year old friend released from the hospital after an OD, he went blind while i drove him home.


You should be okay, but safety is usually better than sorrow.

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