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how long until orgasm

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I can't believe you have had like 15 views an no one has answered this. I am a man. But the answer is it can take you a little time or a long time. It takes you however long it takes you, and there's nothing wrong with that.


As for knowing whether you had one, I would like to think that you would know... most women I have talked to know when they had one.


Every girl is different in how they get off... you need to experiment with yourself. Enjoy it. Try different things. I know a couple of ex's that liked to lay in the tub and have the water from the spigot wash over their clit. I know some that like direct clitoral stimulation, and some that like indirect. I think they key is to experiment... it's your body.

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Actually, I was a bit suspicious that it may be a horny young guy.


Benefit of the doubt though:

You will know when you have one.


Every woman is different; and it can depend on so many things. It varies from day to day, orgasm to orgasm. The female body is a wonderous thing. We can have multiple orgasms once 'warming up' that can be of different intensities and length.


Some orgasms are like a soft shudder through your entire body that make you go "oh! that was nice". Some make you feel as though the earth were shaking and you instinctively call upon a higher power.


Enjoy your body, explore it, and see how it is for you.

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how long does it take for someone(girls) to orgasm while masterbating. I've never orgasmed and I'm trying to get it done myself...but I don't know how long it takes...or how long I should go, or even how I know if I've had one...any help would be great!


Firstly the time changes, it can take me up to 10minutes to achieve an orgasm.

Secondly you will definetly know when you have had an orgasm. Its the best feeling in the world.

Thirdly get yourself a vibrator that will help you achieve one.

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