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Hey guys


My problem is my mother. She can be very much of a control freak, and we go back and forth on a lot of things. The most recent is my wanting to buy a computer and put it in my room. When I ask why I can't she only says that "we've tried that before, and it was a bad experience". I have maintained nearly straight A's for my entire high school career in college level courses, played in the all-state orchestra for 2 years, and swam competitively for many, many years (this means 8 practices a week...). However, my brother who is 5 years older than me had a computer in his room and frequently played games until 2 or 3 in the morning. The reason I want a personal computer is that the family one is a 5 year old HP completely ridden with viruses from my sister's careless downloading. I have for months asked at least to let me save all the files on the computer and wipe it clean, but this is evidently too much of a hassle. I can see why she objects to me having a computer, but I am not my brother. I am more motivated, and would never sacrifice my school work, music, swimming, or health for a computer game. I don't think it is fair to restrict my privileges based on my brother's bad track record. Any thoughts?

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My mom and your mom should hang out.




I think that your mother should pick her battles more carefully. It sounds like you are very committed to many things and she should look at the individual person and situation. She's generalizing that you are going to be like your brother if you get a computer in your room. I really don't think having a computer in your room is all that bad. It's not like it's a TV. Is she worried that you are going to be on the internet all of the time?


I would specifically ask her what her constraints are with letting you have a computer in your room. If it's the whole internet thing then tell her that you will only use the family computer for the internet. Then behind her back buy a wireless card and log into enotalone.com. LOL

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