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Building Passion in a relationship

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What are some things that can be done to build passion in a relationship between two people?


What are some steps that can be taken to begin the growth of passion, to start a small sprout of passion and have it build into something great?


Any hints would be appreciated.


Girls, what kinds of things can a guy do that endear himself to you and cause your passionate feelings to grow?

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What are some things that can be done to build passion in a relationship between two people?


What are some steps that can be taken to begin the growth of passion, to start a small sprout of passion and have it build into something great?


Any hints would be appreciated.


Girls, what kinds of things can a guy do that endear himself to you and cause your passionate feelings to grow?


Being passionate abou tthings outside of the relationship. Being passionate about your hobbies, your job, your friends, whatever. Having passion in other areas of life rub off into other areas thats why its important to have passion in every aspect of life and to always "fine tune".


Passion: Loving something without fear of failure.

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I'm still a little confused.... I know what passion is outside of a relationship, I am passionate about my work and love to talk about it... that kind of stuff definitely makes for a more interesting person I agree....


but I am wondering about the passion thing that defines the difference between 'just friends' and 'boyfriend-girlfriend'.... how can that passion be sparked and blossomed and helped along and nurtured and grown?


Girls: what are some things that a guy has done that you suddenly felt your passion levels jump way up, where maybe before you felt indifferent?


Guys: what are some techniques that have worked for you?

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I'm still a little confused.... I know what passion is outside of a relationship, I am passionate about my work and love to talk about it... that kind of stuff definitely makes for a more interesting person I agree....


but I am wondering about the passion thing that defines the difference between 'just friends' and 'boyfriend-girlfriend'.... how can that passion be sparked and blossomed and helped along and nurtured and grown?


Girls: what are some things that a guy has done that you suddenly felt your passion levels jump way up, where maybe before you felt indifferent?


Guys: what are some techniques that have worked for you?



That's a hard one. Let me think.... I can give an example:


In the first case, I met this guy who wasn't very attractive. He didn't seem like the type I would want to date - more like a friend type. But then I started noticing that he liked a lot of the things I liked - books and movies. He could tell good jokes and stories. So I then thought, wow this guy has a pretty good personality. He's entertaining to be around. Then I found that he was very ethical. I started to admire him for his character. Later he started asking questions about my life. He was respectful of what I wanted and did not want to talk about. So he was interested and thoughtful.


Well - after all that. I was head over heels.


I became passionate when I found myself repeating all the times I've been with him. When I remember everything he says. When everything reminded me of him. And I would always want to be around him.


The passion built slowly. There was no single one thing that sparked it. There were things that built it: the recognition of a compatible personality with my own and good character, and the realization that he cares about me (whether it be platonic or romantic didn't matter). When you recognize all these good things about a person, it's hard to still feel like friends. Most important of all, it was genuine. He was he and I was me.


Trying to spark a relationship seems futile because it requires genuiness of character and emotion between persons. So if I had to say, I would guess that honesty is the spark. Honesty and courage.

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What are some things that can be done to build passion in a relationship between two people?


What are some steps that can be taken to begin the growth of passion, to start a small sprout of passion and have it build into something great?


Any hints would be appreciated.


Girls, what kinds of things can a guy do that endear himself to you and cause your passionate feelings to grow?


In your case, becoming independent, building self respect, stand up for yourself, etc. You already know the answer to this as we have gone over it already.


I think what you are really looking for here is some kind of magic trick that will cause your crush to change her mind about you. We've already gone over the real problems here and no tricks will help unless you deal with the real issues first.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Joke around with her a bit, perhaps tease her about something and throw in a little physical contact (like a poke or a gentle push on the knee or shoulder).

Close the "personal space" gap and sit or stand closer let your legs or shoulders touch if you are sitting together, let your arm brush against her as you are walking together, put your hand on her knee. Open your arms as she first approaches you when you meet and/or as you depart to invite a hug. Kiss her.


These are the things that would work on me if I were receptive to you.

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